duel masters top 10 list of worst cards


ok this is my list of the cards in the game of duel masters. lets start off with the worst darkness cards in world:


1. the first card is " Dark Raven, Shadow of Grief ". this card is a blocker that costs 4 mana and has a measly 1000 attack points. who in the world would wanna use that. it wouldn't even help the worst deck in the world. i would say it is the stupidest blocker in the world.


2. the next card is " Bone Spider". now this card costs 3 mana, has 5000 attack and when it wins a battle its destroyed.think about it why waste the mana whan you know its gonna die.


now these are the worst fire civilization cards:

3.first is " Artisan Picora. it costs 1 mana, has 2000 attack and makes you throw away a card from your mana zone. what is the point of wasting mana when you can summon something bigger and stronger.


4. next is " Burning Power ". It costs 1 mana and it gives one creature power attacker 2000 until the end of your turn. i would rather use magma gazer which has basically the same effect but its better.


now the worst nature cards:

5.first is "Poisonous Dahlia". it costs 4 mana and can not attack. figure it out your self.

6.next is " Pangaea's Song". it is a spell and it makes you put one card from your battle zone into your mana. why waste a creature like scarlet skyterror or roaring great-horn.


the next card are from the water civilization:

7.the first card is " King Coral ". a blocker that costs 3 mana and has 1000 attack. that is another waste of a turn and mana.

8. number eight is " Virtual Tripwire". a waste of 3 mana and all it does is tap a creature.


the final two are light cards:

9. Sonic Wing- Another waste of three mana. one creature cannot be blocked this turn. chances are that your opponent doesnt even have a blocker.

10. last but not least the final card is " melie the vizier of lightning" well it uses 3 mana and you can tap one of your opponents creatures. WASTE !!


my name is Aakash Dalal

email: death_blade99@yahoo.com

16 trudy drive
