Taylors Top 10 High Power Monsters 10.Stonesaur(I chose this card because, its base power is a decent 4000. Also it has the ability to become 6000 when attacking, making this a problem from your opponents for the time being. It would probably last until the last few Minutes. of the game.) 9.Draglide(I chose this card because it once again has a solid attack power. Although its effect could cause some trouble it is a decent card.) 8.Gigaberos(I chose this card because we got a 5 coast monster with 8000 power[nice]but the bad about this card is that it destroys to of your monsters once it is summoned. Besides that it is decent thanks to it double breaker.) 7.Onslaughter Triceps(Now this card is alright. We got 3 cost for 5000 power. The bad part is you gotta sacrifice one mana card, which could be vital it a hard time.) 6.Lah, Purification Enforcer(I chose this card because we got a monster that has 5500 for five mana which isn't all that bad. I mean sure it wouldn't last long around the end of the game but, still there aren't many monsters out there that not a whole thousand in terms of power.) 5.Urth, Purifying Elemental(This card is great. We got 6 mana for a 6000 Double Breaker. This card can be very useful[I should know seeing as I have been whooped by it before] Anyway this is a good card.) 4.King Depthcon(This card is great. Sure 7 mana is high but I think it is worth it. We got a 6000 power monster that knows Double Breaker, and cannot be Blocked by your opponents monsters. This card is a really great card in terms of Shield Destruction) 3.Bolshack Dragon(I love this card. We got a 6 cost for a 6000+ monster. It knows Double Breaker, and the plus thing works great, seeing as instead of just getting a set amount of Power Attacker bonus when it attacks, instead it gains +1000 power for every fire card in your grave. Also this effect isn't even considered a power attacker effect. This card also has the potential to become the best card in the game.) 2.Death Liger, Lion of Chaos(Can you say power house? You can? Good, because thats exactly what this card is. For 7 mana you can have a 9000 power monster that know Double Breaker. Its an incredible card.) 1.Hanusa, Radiance Elemental(Once again POWER HOUSE!!!!!7 mana for a 9500 power monster that once again knows Double Breaker. This is also the monster with the highest base power. This is one tough cookie to beat so watch out.) That all I got. My name is Taylor My e-mail is cardzmaster14@yahoo.com, or coz@megalink.net ===== >From Taylor