Ronnie's Top 10 Evo-Crushinators Cards Today I'm going to share what I think the best Spell and Creature of each color is in the Evo Expansion due out next week(YAY!!!). These are Japanese names but the card efeects should be the same and if any of them change I apologize in advance. And here are my top picks: DARKNESS Amber Pierce : (Rare) , Cost 4 , Power 2000 When this creature attacks return a creature from your graveyard to your hand. This is a good card for Darkness because of the high power , low cost blockers for example. It also can combo well with some of the other colors like Fire for example with Rothus and anything with a comes into play effect. Critical Blade : (Common) , Spell , Cost 2 , Shield Trigger Choose an opponent's creature in the battlezone that has "Blocker" and put it into the graveyard. This is definitely a card Darkness needed. This allows you to save those Terror Pits and Death Smokes for attackers and not have to waste them on a pesky blocker. Also can cast it very easy at only 2 cost. LIGHT Guardian of Heaven Radia Baare : (Super Rare) , Cost 6 , Power 9500 Evolution-Place on top of a Guardian Blocker , Double Breaker What is not to like about this card???? It can attack the turn it comes into play like all other Evolutions plus you can play it on The 1 mana blocker that Light has (I forgot it's name). Plus what can it not kill or what can't it block??? Diamond Cutter : (Uncommon) , Spell , Cost 5 Until the end of your turn , all creatures with summoning sickness or that has "This creature can't attack players" can attack normally. Can you say combo???? Diamond Cutter + Holy Awe = Dead Opponent. It's even better if your opponent triggers the Holy Awe on his turn. This WILL be used in any deck with Light guaranteed. WATER Kooraisu : (Common) , Cost 5 , Power 2000 When this creature is put into the battlezone , choose 1 of your opponent's creatures and put it on top of it's owners deck. This has got to be my personal favorite card in the entire set. You can eliminate a creature for a turn AND take away your opponent's draw. Plus you can bounce him repeatedly to reuse his effect (he is a Water creature after all). Deep Operation : (Uncommon) , Spell , Cost 4 , Shield Trigger Draw cards equal to the number of creatures in your opponent's battlezone. Not very helpful early-on but late game WOW!!! If you are playing a control type deck this is your draw card. The down-side is if you are low on cards you could accidentally deck yourself but you can always use it for mana if need be. NATURE Love Erufin : (Common) , Cost 2 , Power 1000 While this creature is in the battlezone , spells cost 1 less to play. Costs cannot be below 1. HMMMMM......What color can't benefit from this guy? The potential is just staggering if you can get multiples into play. Even just 1 can really help , I mean Demension Gate for 2 , or Death Smoke for 3 , or Holy Awe for 5 , and the list will keep on getting better as more sets come out. A staple for Nature in my opinion. Mana Crisis : (Uncommon) , Spell , Cost 4 , Shield Trigger Choose 1 card in your opponent's mana zone and put it in the graveyard. Didn't see that one coming did you? Nature with mana destruction??? Belive it!!! It can really set your opponent back especially with you having more mana anyway playing Nature plus it goes really well with a certain Fire creature. FIRE Volizard Dragon : (Very Rare) , Cost 6 , Power 5000 When this creature attacks , choose 1 card in your opponent's mana zone and put it into the graveyard. And speaking of that Fire creature here he is. Nature/Fire mana destrucion is coming , will you be ready???? Not too bad in a Mono-Fire deck either especially if you use the last card on my list. Quick Gate : (Common) , Spell , Cost 4 Until the end of your turn , all of your creatures attack power is encreased by 1000 and they can attack untapped creatures. Another spell that Fire really needed. Chaos Strike on speed if you will. The ability for all of your creatures ot attack untapped ones is good but the power boost is gravy. (MMMMMMM GRAVY) This also combos well with Lights blockers and it also adds onto power attackers. E.G. If they have Power-Attack + 3000 they still get 1000 more. Well there you have it. Those are my picks from Evo. They are by NO means the only good cards in this set but they are some of the best. Also if you notice most of them aren't even Rare. That's all for now , I hope you enjoyed this little sneak-peek. I am going to be putting top-ten lists for the next 7 (yes all 7) Japanese Duelmasters sets over the next few weeks so check back and enjoy. P.S. If I get the time I will put up full translations but I have a 2-year old so no promises. By:Ronnie Proctor