Joe's top ten cards


This is my list so please don't bash it.



10.  Urth, purifiying elemental

he is a double breaker with 6000 and can be untaped every turn. The last effect is the only reason he is on the list. Otherwise i just don't like him.


9. deadly fighter ucarn

a double breaker, 9000, and a low cost! the only down side is the 2 mana card sacrifice to bring him to the field. all though that could work if you use boshack dragon.


8. crystal memory

you can take any  card from your deck when it hits the field. what else can i say


7. Rothus the traveler

This could work if your opponent has only one creature on the field,  especialy if it is hanusa or astrocomet. the downside is that you have to kill one too.


6.king ripped-hide

not only is he a 5000 power, but the effect lets you draw two cards! only drawback is the 7 cost.


5. onslauter triceps

love this card! a smaller version of deadlt fighter ucarn. i think it is better though. also works great with bolshack


this is probably one that is gonna get alot of emails but,


4. gigargon

i love the monster reborn effect, the attack is what hurts it though


3. scarlet skyterror

destroys all the blockers. i enjoy the look on peoples faces when they think of what could happen. he would be number one if his attack was so low


2. Vampire silphy

destroys all level 3 and under, second only to...


1. Bolshack dragon!!!

almost unstoppalbe with all the ucarns and triceps around, i hoe he has an evolution in the next set


my name is Joe Leon and my email is Jcleon55