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Neko Majin Z

This story revolves around the Z. Z is a Neko Majin. A Neko Majin is a creature that is like a cat and can use magic, but is also skilled in the martial arts. As of current, only 28 Neko Majins are known to exist in the world.

One day a space ship lands on Earth and it holds Lord Onio and his wife, they plan on taking control of the Earth and using it for one of their homes.

Well, Neko Majin Z and his friend want to buy some cola's, but they don't have the money, so they are going to scam these "tourists". This is how the scam works. Z dresses up like a Koala and then gets people to take a picture with him for eight dollars. While taking the picture, though, Z touches the ladies breast and this gets Onio mad. Onio wants to kill the Koala, but this is where Neko Majin Z reveals himself. Lord Onio isn't your normal guy, though; he is a Super Saiya-Jin and the strongest man in the universe. Will Neko Majin Z be able to contend with him?

My Opinion

Nothing special, the only reason I read it was because it was something from Akira Toriyama. This was only a one shot, so you can't expect too much. The whole story was just a spoof of Dragonball Z. It is easy to see that the armor, names, and clothes come from DBZ. Anyway, it wasn't a bad story, but it also isn't something that you should run out to get.

Where Can I Get It?

Well, let's see. I don't really recommend spending money on this, so I will just tell you to go read it at Toriyama World.