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Neko Majin Z

In this known world, only 28 Neko Majins (Genie Cats) have been found. This story is about a particular one, name "Z". Neko Majin's aren't good with magic, but particulary fond of the martial arts.

After going around helping others, he runs into a friend of his, trying to get a drink.Just in the middle of the conversation, a space ship lands. Out comes a fat man and a skinny women, both young adults, wearing the uniform simliar to the Saiya-jin. This is the perfect time for Neko Majin Z and the young boy to get some money quick. Z dresses up as a koola and tries to trick the young couple into taking a picture for $16 of the "koola", since they are very rare. The man says he doesn't have any money, but he has a very rare and valuble rudy gem. They accept and get into position.

After Z jumps on the young lady, to seem like an animal, he grabs her breast. This really anger's the fat man, which he begins to power up. After a short time, he claims he is a Super Saiya-jin and says that his name is Lord Onio. The only way you can tell, is the aoura and the lighting around him. He has no hair, so it looks very weird.

Anyways, he then tells the "koola" that he will kill him for playing with his bride's breast. Neko Majin is excited, that a fight has finally come. After getting out of his koola coustume, he then makes his apperace and exclaims, "Neko...Majin...Z...has appeared!" This just upsets the Onio more, and he kicks Z far away.

His bride is so happy that he killed him so quickly. The young boy just sits and watches, sitting still. Onio asks if he is worried about his "koola" getting killed. The boy is not worried, becuase he says that Z isn't hurt. Z appears from behind, and punches the old man away. Onio tries to beat him up, but to no avail. After each have punched each other far away, Z says he will turn shiny, like Onio. Onio says he can't, becuase he isn't a Saiya-jin and only a few are able to do it.

Z immediatly, without working, turns Super Saiya-jin as well. The two fight again, with the favor of Z. After Onio goes into the air, Z does an attack, much like our favorite Dragon Ball Z hero. "Neko Hame HA!!!"

The blast fills the air, and Onio gets knocked out, while his bride takes him to the space ship, and they fly away. So, they turn in the ruby, and get thousands of cases of cola. Now...they have way to much to drink.

My Opinion

Toriyama Akira's brand new one shot manga, hot off the press. I think that this is a very good read, if you enjoy old men, fighting as a Super Saiya-jin. One thing I really enjoyed about this, was the fact that Toriyama seemed to draw as if he felt comfortable saying anything he wanted to. Not like of Dragon Ball, where pratically everything was serious. Now, he can just let his child side loose. A very good A+ read. As soon as you find it, get it.

Where Can I Get It?

Well, as usual, I know that you can order Kajika at Sasuga Books.

If you wish to read an english translated version on-line, then you can find it at Toriyama World