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Naruto, the main character, starts out with a big punch to us in the beginning. Writing graffiti on something that looks like the Washington Monuement, is something that shouldn't be done. He is a young boy that always wants his way, with a little side dish of ramen.

After completing one course of training as a ninja, he has to take the final test, in which he fails miserably. So, afterwards, he goes to enjoy his favorite dish, ramen, while drowing his sorrows. He steals a scroll that has an ability to do a miraculas attack. But, a young man comes and tries to kill him, telling him he is a complete nuisence and will kill us all. He is the nine tailed fox that will bring destruction on the village. But, a mentor, who looks past the evil demon inside of him, tries to protect him. He does a very good job, but his back becomes completely broken, after a huge samurai star goes into his back.

All Naruto can do now, is protect what he tried to take to become a ninja. The young man asks it back, but Naruto says he cannot have it. The man asks why, and Naruto says that he will be killed. Naruto immediatly does the attack the scroll says. He makes copies upon copies upon copies of himself. They all gang up on the man and beat him to a pulp. Naruto takes his mentor to a near by hospital and he recovers completly. This is just the start for Naruto, down his crazy road of adventures.

My Opinion

My first manga read, besides Toriyama Akira. Kishimoto Masashi brings us a suspensful manga, which keeps us on the edge of our seat, while laughing as hard as we can. Uzumaki Naruto, the young boy of the story, is truely a young boy with wild ambitions. The crazy adventures and troubles this boy goes through, is always something weird in the end. I suggest this to anyone that would like to get into something that pulls no punches. A very good read.

Where Can I Find It?

Well, you can find the Japanese Manga version at Sasuga Books. Which as usual carries most Manga titles and if not they can be special ordered.

If you wish to read it on-line in its translated form then you can find it at Toriyama World.