Return to Pojo's Dragonball - Interviews

(On a side note, I had to keep this interview down to a 10 question max. So, it isn't my best work, but it is still enjoyable to read.)

Q: You recently attended Anime Expo. I almost went, but as a result of having to travel a long way I am putting it off until next year. Anyway, what did you think of the AX and what were some of your favorite exhibits, guests, or showings there?

A: I enjoyed myself, and it's certainly an experience. However, I wouldn't say it was the best time I have ever had. In comparison to a big convention like Comic Con, you quickly run out of things to do. I'd say the best part was talking with Hunter Muse...he's a really cool guy.

Q: What are your latest opinions on the latest DVD's and do you feel that they are getting better? Also, how do the DBZ DVD's compare to some of the other Anime DVD's.

A: Oh certainly. The eye-catches are back, the menus are MUCH improved, and there are less (if any) errors. Looking back, the Ginyu discs should never have been released in their current condition. I was just happy to have sub-titled DBZ at all at the time. I have been on a tight budget lately, so my DVD collecting has all but stopped for the moment.

Q: I am well aware of the fact that you enjoyed the theatre release of Akira. How much better was the redone version compared to the version that I watch on VHS? Also, how far away from that is DBZ?

A: The theatrical version of Akira was outstanding. I have never heard or seen an anime sound or look so good. I thought the dub was very well done, and I rarely like dub jobs. Akira is in a completely different league than DBZ. Every object interacts with every other object in a completely realistic way...even when the characters are doing fairly unrealistic things like flying and moving objects with their minds. And to think that this was all done WITHOUT CGI astounds me. DBZ is nowhere near that quality (with the exception of a couple of the movies, which still don't approach the level of detail present in Katsuhiro Otomo's film).

Q: FUNi is once again starting to dub the DBZ Movies. Do you think that we will ever see a DBZ movie on the big screen? If so, how do you think it would fair?

A: Hard to say. Movies 4-6 look unlikely, but FUNimation can change their minds. I don't believe they own the rights to 7 and beyond yet...

Q: A lot of DB web masters are starting to get burnt out on DB. I have my own opinions on this topic, but I would like to know about yours. After being a fan of the show for so long are you starting to lose your interest in the series? How about your site?

A: To be quite honest, I've never been as excited as some of the old school webmasters were about the series. The only American merchandise I own are the DVDs (No, I don't own any of the t-shirts). I like Dragon Ball, that's why I continue doing the site. But I had not let myself get infatuated with it. So I guess I haven't had much interest to lose.

Q: You've been around for a while. You have seen a lot of the original great DB web sites come and go. Do you feel that these sites have been filled in for or do you feel that since then the DB web site community has been on a downward slope?

A: The death of the ad industry has been a blow to ALL sites with any sort of media. Dragon Ball is an action series...people like to see what happens, and it's really difficult to depict martial arts moves in mere descriptions. So I think some fans have edged away from the world wide web and have turned to other mediums (such as Gnutella) to get their fix. The reason why we're still around is because we did not rely solely on our media sections. I think some sites out there were too focused on that one aspect, and that became their downfall.

Q: Any new projects that we can be expecting in the near future? If so, can you give us a taste of what's to come?

A: Skull is working on several new guides, and I've been helping him a bit. I've mostly been doing P.R. work recently.

Q: With the closing of your irc server, the best place for DB fans to gather was gone. What were the reasons for the shut down? Can we ever expect to see the mIRC server back up?

A: It may return...but my main reason for canning it was that it was such a nuisance. "So and so did this," "this person said that," etc etc. IRC is much more difficult to moderate than a message board...simply because communication is instant. If I bring it back, I'm definitely going to instate more control than previously.

Q: Now it's obvious that you are a fan of the BFP project. Why don't you tell us what you like about it, though? Also, how do you feel it compares to the other mods on the net? Also, how do you think it will compare to the commercially released DB titles?

A: BFP has good graphics and good gameplay. That's pretty much all I look for in a game. Quite honestly, I don't know too much about other mods in the community...none of them bother to send me any screenshots, demos, or anything (or if they do, they're just not any good), they just demand I link them because I give BFP such a luxury. Planet Namek is still a personal site (and always has been), and I can still discriminate against less qualified mods if I want to.

Q: Well, here we are, at the final question. Now, just out of curiosity, do you always get in these rebellious moods where you just decide to ignore traffic signs?

A: My car does not go very fast...I don't think it matters if I pay attention to traffic signs.

Andy: Well, it has truly been an honor to be able to interview you. I enjoyed it and I am glad that you were able to do it.

Mr.E: The pleasure was all yours. I remember distinctly being enveloped in a potato sack, beaten with extension cord, and buried neck deep in a desert while answering your questions through chapped lips. Oh well...hopefully I'll die of dehydration before the vultures start pecking at me.