Return to Pojo's Dragonball

Q: Let us jump right into things. What did you think of Season 3? Do you think that Season 4 will be any better?

A: Well season 3 had it's high points and it's lows but I think over all it sucked. I was also pretty disapointed about the dubbing job (vocie actors mainly). Well I'm hopeing FUNimation will lear from there mistakes and make season 4 better, but if they do I bet it won't be much diffrent from season 3.

Q: Do you see any hope for FUNimation?

A: Yes I see hope for them, but not very much they've dug a pretty big hole for themselfs but if they work really hard they could make a come back.

Q: Where in your opinion did FUNi go wrong with Season 3 or DB in general?

A: Well I would have to say most of all the vocie actors mainly because FUNi basically just let anyone do the vocie acting. I mean they where pretty cheap and just let anyone do it. That's is where I think FUNi went wrong at.

Q: Do you think that DB will just turn out as a fad in the U.S. because of how FUNi and other companies are handling it?

A: Hmmmm...this is a though one. Yes I think it will if FUNi keeps going in the direction it's headed. I mean they could make it alot better, but I guess they don't care.

Q: I take it that you have heard of the live action DB movie that is coming to the U.S. What do you think about that?

A: Well I'm kind of excited but kind of scared at the same time. I mean I think it's probably going to suck pretty badly because I really don't know how there going to turn a cartoon with flying, energy blasts, and other things into a movie. I'm only excited because I want to see how it turns out and see how they handled everything, but other than that I'm not really that fond of this new idea.

Q: So, honestly, did you buy any of the Season 3 tapes and do you regret it now?

A: Nope I didn't buy a single one. I hate the DUB basically I would much rather prefer Subbed DBZ instead. I did whatch enough eps. of it to know how bad of a job they did on it though. I think I whatched a total of around 15 eps. of it then just lost all hope in it.

Q: Now I know that I could not live without my fan-subs. Do you think that Fan-subs help, hurt, or do nothing to the popularity of DB?

A: I think they help the DB community alot. It helps those dubbies turn into true DB fans, and just shows kid every where what the real DB is all about instead of that crappy dub.

Q: What made you want to start a DB site?

A: Well I would always get on the internet so I could chat to my friends on aim, and one day just got on the actual web and started looking around at DB sites. I went to like Planet Namek and Vegetto EX's Hompage (now closed), and was like wow I want to make somthing just like it. I also get alot of praise from the veiws of my site which makes me want to update even more.

Q: Have you created any DB sites in the past and if so what were they about?

A: Yes I had made one DB site before called Frieza Fourth Form. I really hate that site now. I mean the editor I used suck pretty badly (this was before I knew some HTML) and I copied all of my info and that just made me hate it worse. I look back on that site now, and just think about how I make my own info now. I'm much MUCH happier with my new site (DBZ Extreme).

Q: Have you had any problems with page piracy?

A: I have found a couple of sites that have used my name but that's about it. When I do I usually help them think of a new name for there site. I haven't had much trouble with my page pirates just yet.

Q: What are your thoughts on page pirates?

A: Well me being a former one I hate them. I mean they take just anything and when you try to reason with them they just make up some dumb excuse saying like that everything is up for grabs, or like if you don't want yuor things to be taken don't have a site. I mean how hard is it to make your own information? I mean come on...

Q: What is your favorite of the three DB shows?

A: I would have to say the all powerful DBZ because it just has the best story line I think. I mean GT and DB are ok but DBZ is my favorite.

Q: What series do you feel has the best music?

A: Well just series over all I would have to say DBZ, but if the case was beginig song I would have to say GT I just love that Dan-Dan song it's my favorite.

Q: What is your favorite song from DB?

A: The intro to it. It has a nice tune.

Q: If you could have FUNi do one of the following which one would you pick- put in the original music, dialogue, or voice actors?

A: Well I would have to say music I mean I just hate the FUNi music. Then from the 2nd place spot I would have to say dialogue, I mean Freezer (Frieza for you dubbies) makes all these cony jokes that aren't even funny, and the music well the music just sucks.

Q: What section on your site do you like to work on the most?

A: The interviews, because I egt to talk with the other webmasters about there site and other DB relater things. I also get to see there veiw of the whole situation.

Q: Any future plans for your site that you can clue us in on?

A: Well not that I know of right now besides updating and making my site be the best it can be.^^

andy- Well, it was a lot of fun and I am glad you could do the interview. I wish you luck with your site.