Chapter6 She only had a picture to go on as a guide for rebuilding her old house. In the picture, there was her mother on the left, with her arm around her father’s back, her father on the right, with his arm draped over her shoulder, and her in the middle. Everyone was so happy on that day and she remembered it very well. She had been playing near the little brook looking for little frogs, or some small fish to play with when she heard her mother calling to her to come in the house. She had thought it was lunch time, or something, but it was about 10 o’clock in the morning. She jumped up and ran out of the stream, very happy and she was curious about what her mother was calling her for. “CALEI!!!!” her mother shouted. “What Mommy?” she asked as she just ‘appeared’ behind her mother. She was very fast, and getting closer to her father’s speed. “I wish she wouldn’t do that...” thought Calei’s mother. “Guess what...” she said to her little 3 year old daughter. “What Mommy?!?” she asked, jumping up and down. “This might not be a very good idea to tell her this....I might get hurt...” thought Erin, Calei’s mother. “Well, your grandma and grandpa are here and they’re going to take our picture...” she said very slowly. “REALLY?!?!” asked a very excited Calei. “Yes...” Erin started. “YAAAY!!!” exclaimed Calei as she leaped on her mother, hugging her tightly and squeezing her ribs hard. “I knew this could hurt...” thought Erin, who was barely breathing under her little daughter’s strong grip. “Calei, calm down.” said a deep voice. Erin looked up from looking at her daughter and smiled. She knew that Calei would be off of her in about a quarter of a second. “DADDY!!!” shouted Calei, who immediately hopped off of her mother and launched herself at her father. Ryokin, Calei’s father instantly put up his arms so he wouldn’t be strangled by his daughter. He looked at his wife, who was panting, since his overly-excited daughter had nearly cut off all of her oxygen. She was smiling at him and he knew why. She was thanking him for getting Calei off of her so she could breathe. Just about half a second after he had announced that he was there, his adorable little daughter was there, latched on to him. “Easy there, killer...” he said with a smirk. Calei was hugging him with a death like grip. He was struggling to breathe. “Catchin’ up to your dad in the strength department...” he said smirking. “Hehehe” giggled Calei. “You bet!” “All right, I’ll play with you after we get our pictures taken...” he didn’t get to finish what he was saying for his daughter was causing a severe lack of oxygen. “!!” “Sorry Daddy!” said Calei who was giggling. Her father was rubbing his neck, which was sore from his daughter. “Back on Vegeta-sei, I would be taunted on having a mate that isn’t Saiyan, and for having a half-breed kid. But I think I will check out her power today. Erin doesn’t want her to learn ki until she’s older, but I could teach her a couple little tricks or something...What Erin doesn’t understand is that Calei needs to be trained, just in case if there are more Saiyans on the way...” thought Ryokin. “That way, she won’t be killed by anyone.” He went into the house after he shooed Calei off to pick some flowers to put in her hair for the pictures. He went into Erin and his bedroom, and touched the secret button that led to a hidden room next to the basement. Two floor slats flipped up, two on each side of the flipped up ones dropped down and shifted over leaving a large hole. He went down, careful to not be seen or heard, Erin didn’t know about this secret room, and he hit the button that reverted the floor back to normal. In this secret room, there was everything he had ever owned and wished to remain secret. Such items were the space pod that he had come in, his scouter, extra armor, and other little things--like trinkets from battles. He looked around for a minute, and he found his scouter. He picked it up, slipped it into his pants pocket, and looked at the monitor screens where the hidden cameras were taping for anyone who enters into the bedroom. There were some cameras in the hallway too. Nobody was in the hallway or the bedroom, so he opened the secret door and shut it again, making the appearance of a whole floor. He remembered to change his shirt for the picture, because it was an old, dirty, and sweaty sweatshirt, and Erin would kill him if he didn’t change it--well not kill him exactly--she wouldn’t be able to kill him even if she tried--but she could refuse to cook, give him a week or two of silent treatment.....not something that he wanted to happen...So, he changed into a black tee-shirt that the sleeves were stretched almost to the point of ripping. He looked at his reflection in a full length mirror in their room, just to make sure that he would be ‘presentable’. His jeans were a little bit dirty, but not so dirty that he’d have to change them. He left the room in search of his wife and daughter. Erin had been talking to her parents when she saw her husband leave their house, heading towards her. She knew that her parents were still wary around him--he had nearly killed them all when he first arrived on her parents property. Her mother looked at Ryokin too, and she saw that her mother had suppressed a shudder. Suddenly, he disappeared. Erin looked around behind her--he always played this game-- he wasn’t there. She suddenly felt him, he was hovering over her. She grinned and looked up. Sure enough, he was hovering over her, grinning too. He dropped down beside her, and gave her a quick kiss. “Are you or am I supposed to call Calei back?” asked Erin. “Well, can your ribs take it?” asked Ryokin, who was grinning. “Maybe--but I think that you should do it...that way I don’t get hurt.” she replied, grinning too. “Fine then.” he said. “Watch out...CALEI!!!!” Calei had been picking wildflowers, like her father had suggested, and she heard him call. She ran as fast as she could, and got to her father in record time. She pounced on him, and the momentum of her speed and her body crashing into him caused him to fall over. If she had done this to her mother, she probably would have died. “Ouch” he groaned. “ need to calm down!!” “Okay Daddy!” she exclaimed. “Now go over to Mommy, so she can put flowers in your hair...Don’t hug her too hard or jump on her, okay?” “Okay Daddy” she said as she trotted to her mother. Erin braided the wildflowers into Calei’s wild spiky blonde hair, to make her pretty for the picture. “Calei, do you want to wear some make-up today?” asked Erin. “Sure!” replied Calei. Erin went into the house for her make-up and Calei went to her father. “Aren’t you supposed to be with your mom?” he asked. “Yeah, but guess what? She’s going to put some make-up on me!!” Calei exclaimed. “Is that so...” he said. “Well she’s back, I guess you should go to her before she notices your absence and puts it away” “Okay Daddy!” said Calei as she ran to her mother. Erin put the make-up on her daughter and she called for her husband to get over to them so they could finally get the picture taken. When everyone was in place she called to her parents, who were looking at her flower garden. “Now is everyone ready?” she asked her family. “Yes” was the answer she received. “All right, then we can get it taken now!” Her parents took the picture and they waited patiently for the picture to develop. When it was finally done, they saw that the picture was perfect. Her parents took other pictures, some of the house on the outside, some of the house on the inside, and some of the landscape. They also took pictures of her mother’s prized flower garden. After they were done, they asked if Erin wanted to keep them and she said that they could keep them, because she didn’t have a proper photo album. Later, Erin took her parents in the house to talk to them, and catch up on current events, because Saiyans and even half-Saiyans could eat a ton food, literally between the two of them in a few days, and cooking took time. Ryokin called his daughter outside to test her. He didn’t say “test” in front of Erin, she wouldn’t allow him to see what her power was, but he just said that he wanted to “play” with her. Outside, Ryokin put his scouter on and he pressed the on button. He had to take the transmitter option off, he didn’t want any Saiyans to come to Earth looking for him, or seeing his child’s power. So, with that out of the way, he looked toward his daughter, and the familiar beeping sound informed him that her power was 6500. He whistled as he saw that. He was a warrior of second class, with a power of 8000, but she was only a child, and she hadn’t even been trained. He knew that he would definitely need to train her now--he didn’t want her to go on a temper-tantrum and blow up the world in her anger. “Daddy, what’s that?” she asked, pointing at the scouter. “It’s a toy...” he said and he knew that she was going to ask to play with it. Sure enough, she did. “Can I play with it?” she asked. “Okay, but only for a minute...” he said. “Don’t tell Mommy though, let’s keep this as our little secret...” “Okay!” she said. He motioned her over to him, and he slid the little white ear piece over her left ear. “How does it work?” “Well, just look at me and you’ll see.” he said. As she looked at him, a bunch of strange symbols came across the screen, and an outline of her father appeared around him. “What does it say?” she asked. “It’s a different language--it should say something like 8000.” he replied. “ you want to see a cool trick that I can do?” “Yeah!” she said. “Okay...” he said as he made a small ki ball hover above his hand. The ball of energy was a little bit bigger than his hand, but it could clear out his house with no problem--not that he wanted to--this energy was the scouter’s purpose, it detected the energy in warriors and it could be a warning if there was someone stronger than he around.. “Do you want to learn how to do this?” “Sure!!” she exclaimed. He trained her for the rest of the day of how to control her power, and at the very end, he taught her how to make ki energy in a controlled form. He kept training her every day, teaching her how to control herself so she didn’t kill anyone. She learned very fast, and soon she could spar with him. He did daily checks on her power, and it was steadily rising. After the first day of sparring, she was just as powerful as he. Every day she asked him to spar, because the Saiyan in her wanted to fight. Calei remembered how much fun she had had, and she wished that nothing had changed. She put the picture in the inner pocket of her shirt and she started to build. By the end of the day, she had the foundation up and she flew to her new home, where she had moved to.