From: Super Fly [] Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 4:27 PM To: Subject: Cell's Dark Vengeance From: Cell's Dark Vengeance lv.1 cell,stage 1 (ps:125,000-600,000 pur:3 power:phys. +4) lv.2cell,stage 2 (ps:500,000-2,000,000pur:3 power:search deck for a phys. or en. combat.put it in hand) lv.3 cell,the perfect warrior HT(ps:1,300,000-3,500,000 pur:3 power:phys. +5.anger+1) lv.4 cell,the destroyer (ps:1,800,000-4,000,000 pur:4 power:energy doing 9 life c.) lv.5 cell,the master (ps:3,200,000-4,300,000 pur:4 power:energy 12 life c.costs 0) black style mastery(all my attacks do +1 lc and +1 >ps.all my black Attacks do +2 lc and +2 ps. NO DRILLS PHYSICAL ATTACKS 3x black physical focus(phys attack. go down x ps. does +x ps of damage.) 3x black overpowering attack(phys. attack doing +6.) 3x black side thrust(phys. attack doing +3. search opponents deck for card and discard) 3x black gut wrench(phys. attack doing +4) 2x black lunge (phys. attack doing +3 lc. anger +1) 3x black power punch (phys. attack doing 4 ps) 3x black defensive burst(phys. doing 3 lc. opponent cant perform phys for combats remainder.) 3x black hug maneuver(phys attack. anger +2.) 3x black neck break(phys. doing 3 lc.anger+1) 3x black driving palm strike(phys. doing 2 ps.anger+1) 1x garlic jr.s kyokaika technique(phys doing 7 ps) 3x captain ginyu moves to attack(phys. attack doing +3 lc. anger +1) ENERGY ATTACKS 3x black front kick (e. attack doing 5 lc. costs 4 ps. anger +1) 1x Trunks makes himself clear(e.attack.anger+2.opp.anger-2.limit1) 3x black turning kick (e. attack doing 5 lc. or blocks a phys.anger +1) PHYSICAL DEFENSE 1x vegeta's physical stance (stops all phys for remainder of combat.) 1x nappa's physical resistance (same as above) 3x black side kick (stops a phys.attack.anger+2.) 3x black forearm block (stops a phys.anger +1) 3x black side block (stops a phys.anger +1) 2x Trunks swiftly moving (stops a the same attack to your opponent) 1x CPH (your opponent may only defend.) ENERGY DEFENSE 3xBlack axe heel kick (stops an e. attack.anger+1) 3xblack rear spin kick (stops an e. attack. anger +1) Non-combats 1x earth db 5 Combats 1xcells style (cell only.all of your attacks do +3 life cards for the remainder of combat) 1x time is a warriors tool (stops all your opponents attacks for remainder of combat) 1x cells defense (stop all of your opponents phys. or e. attacks for remainder of combat) 3x smokescreen (stops a phys or energy attack) 2xblack defensive aura (stops a phys or e. attack. costs 1 power stage.) the goal of this deck is good old fashioned beat down. I try to get to level 2 and beyond as soon as possible.all I want to stay is the mastery and personality.Other than that you have no limits. First things first. You need more energy attacks and more energy defence. You can't overlook these things, since they may be able to get you out of a tight bind (like if some plays Nappa's Physical Resistance (SS)). I would suggest putting in some Black Energy Webs (Trunks Saga. 6 Life Cards damage and if successful it also stops your opponent from preforming Energy Attacks for the remainder of combat.), Krillin's heat Seeking Blast (Trunks Saga. This attack cannot be stopped or prevented.) is an amazing card for any deck, and since your using Cell you could have up to 4 Cell's Dark Attack (Android Saga/Cell Saga Promo. Does 6 life cards of damage.), since your playing Black I would suggest using cards from the Cell Saga, since most raise your anger, cards like Black Fatality (Cell Saga. Energy Attack. Does 5 life cards of damage. Raise anger 1 level.) are great for black beatdown decks. Next, let's look at your Energy Defence. You don't have enough. I would suggest putting in some Black Defensive Aura's (Trunks Saga. Stops a Physical or Energy Attack. Costs 1 Power Stage to use.), Smokescreen's (Cell Saga) do the same thing only they don't cost any power stages to use. There alot of good Cell Saga cards you could use to your advantage, so just take a peek at some of them. Also, you should have Chiaotzu's Psychic Halt (Trunnks Saga. Your opponent may onlt defend for the remainder of combat. Limit 1 per deck), since this card is great for Black decks, since after you use it you can beatdown on your opponent without fear of being attacked. I hope I helped in one way or another and good luck dueling. - Crazy Man :) _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at