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Cartoon Review

Pokemon Episode Number 18


Episode 18 - Tentacool and Tentacruel

Ash, Misty, and Brock are still on the island, waiting for the next boat
to the mainland. Suddenly, Misty sees an injured Horsea. The Horsea squirts
out a bunch of ink in an attempt to warn them of something, but they don't
understand. Misty is about to capture it, when a loud explosion is heard.
They all look up and see a large ship on fire. Misty sends out Staryu,
Starmie, and Goldeen to rescue the sailors, while she, Brock, and Ash get a
boat. They reach the sailors, but the sailors are too shocked to be able to
say anything.
    Ash and his friends them meet Nastina. She tells them of her plans to
build a resort out in the water, where guests can stay in comfort and view
coral reefs. She then complains that several Tentacool have been thwarting
the operations, attacking her workers, and keeping tourists away. She wants
them exterminated, and offers Ash and friends the job. In return, she offers
them free dinners for a year, a million dollars, and vouchers for free hotel
stays. Ash is eager to accept, but Misty is enraged. When they ask her why,
she expresses her thoughts of how cute they are. Ash and Brock don't agree,
but they give in.
    They check on Horsea, who is doing quite well. Horsea is still looking
worried, however, and it dawns on Ash that the picture Horsea drew with his
ink looked like a Tentacool. Suddenly, Nastina's voice comes over the town
P.A. System, offering the million dollars to anyone interested in
exterminating the Tentacool. Misty doesn't think the people would be
interested in this, but she is way wrong, and our friends are run over by the
mass of people willing to help. Nastina wheels out in her own personal tank
and asks who will earn the million dollars. A rose with a suction cup on the
end comes flying through the air and sticks to the tank. It's Team Rocket
again. After doing their motto, they offer to exterminate the Tentacool for
her. They roar off towards where the Tentacool are located.


    While Team Rocket heads toward the location, they go over what they are
going to do. They plan to kill the Tentacool by pouring their "Super Secret
Stun Sauce" into the ocean. They will then round them all up, and sell them
at a fish market for even more money. Suddenly, the water around their
motorboat fills with Tentacool. Meowth tells Jessie and James to dump the
sauce, but they don't have enough for the thousands of Tentacool. One
Tentacool shoots the boat with some kind of ray, blasting the barrel of stun
sauce out. The barrel lands on one Tentacool, and he evolves into an
abnormally huge Tentacruel, who tears apart the skeleton of the resort.
Nastina fires at the huge creature, but the bullets bounce right off.
    The Tentacruel and Tentacool then start to destroy the city, blowing
buildings apart with their beams. Suddenly, everyone notices that Meowth is
still in the Tentacruel's tentacle. Using him as a puppet, the Tentacruel
explains that, since humans destroyed their home, they are going to destroy
the humans' homes. The Horsea pleads with the Tentacruel to stop, only to be
hit with a huge tentacle. Ash sends out Pidgeotto, who grabs Horsea in midair
and brings him back to Misty. Ash, Misty, and Brock then send out Squirtle,
Bulbasaur, Butterfree, Pikachu, Staryu, Starmie, Goldeen, and Zubat to launch
an all-out offense against the Tentacool.
    The Pokémon seem to be effective, until the Tentacruel starts whack them
with his tentacles. He explains through Meowth his wonder of why the Pokémon
are fighting for the humans. He then declares that the Pokémon, since they
are not on his side, must be his enemy. He is about to attack them again when
Pidgeotto flies up with Pikachu on his back. Pikachu tries his luck with
reasoning with the Tentacruel, and Misty joins in. She explains that the
humans understand how they destroyed the Tentacool's homes and begs for
mercy. Tentacruel, seeing how much he's frightened the residents, relents,
and tosses Meowth across town and into the Ferris Wheel, knocking it over.
    All the Tentacool and the Tentacruel start to move back into the ocean,
when Nastina emerges from the rubble. She (stupidly) fires again at
Tentacruel, only to be squirted by Horsea and flung into the air by the
Tentacruel. The huge creature then finally sinks down into the ocean, and
leaves the city to repair itself.
    Ash, Misty, and Brock board the boat, that has finally come in, and ask
Misty if she still thinks jellyfish are cute. She says yes, but then says
that Horsea is still the cutest. She tosses him into the air, catches him,
and does Ash's Victory Pose. Ash is upset, as that is his pose, and they
continue to argue as the ship sails on...

Trainer Dominic


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