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 Clown Master's Pokemon GBA Team Garage

Richard Washington's Team
March 28, 2005

Ok My fixes will be in bold. Before I start, I'll say that moves that increase a types power by 10% or have a 10% Chance (like King's Rock or Charcoal) aren't any good and should never be used. I'll always include EVs for everyone; so if you want to try out EV training, check out Serebii for info on that. Other than that, here is my fix:


Sceptile. 100

Male .



Kings rock.

Solar beam.

Leaf Blade.

Giga Drain.

Sunny Day.


Having multiple moves of the same type is redundant and bad. Never do that. Give it a move set that supports it's stats and isn't redundant. Get rid of Sunny Day and Solar Beam for Crunch and Hidden Power [Fire]. Giga Drain isn't the worst choice, but isn't the best either. Substitute would suite him better. Adamant Nature is the exact opposite of what you're trying to do with it. Make him either Modest or Timid. Try out this move set:


Sceptile@ Petaya Berry

Trait: Overgrow

Nature: Timid

EVs: 252Satk 252Spd 4Sdef/HP

- Substitute

- Crunch

- Hidden Power [Fire]

- Leaf Blade/Giga Drain


This is a decent sweeper set. The EVs are basic, so if you get started on EV training, you'll be able to get off to a good (and easy) start.


Charizard. 100





Heat wave.

Fire Blast.

Dragon Claw


 Ok Same problem with the item, and move. Drop Flamethrower and Heat Wave. For a Special Sweeper Charizard, Fire Blast would be considered better because accuracy doesn't matter much because of the high amounts of power. I highly suggest substitute on Zard as well. Since Charizard doesn't learn many non-fire special moves, go with Hidden Power [Grass/ Ice] for the last move. Make him Timid. Give him either Petaya Berry or Leftovers. You might want to try to put any EVs outside of SAtk and Speed in Defense to try and survive Rock Slide. That gives you this set:


Charizard (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Blaze

EVs: 62 Def / 252 Spd / 196 SAtk

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Hidden Power [Ice]

- Substitute

- Fire Blast

- Dragon Claw



Flygon 100.




Quick claw.


Hyper Beam.

Dragon Breath.



Hmm I really think that Flygon should be an annoyer instead of a sweeper. Drop Quick Claw for Leftovers. Body Slam is an upgraded Dragonbreath w/out STAB. Since he'll be using physical moves, make him Impish or Careful. He is the only Pokimon that can learn both Dig and Fly, which is cool. Give both to him for great stalling. Toxic will be the main source of damage. Here is the move set:


Flygon (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Levitate

EVs: 80 HP / 178 Atk / 252 SDef

Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Dig

- Fly

- Toxic

- Body Slam


Walrein 100


Thick Fat.




Sheer Cold.




Same problems with the set and item again. Give him Leftovers. Drop Hail, Blizzard, and Sheer Cold. Give him Ice Beam because Blizzard sucks. Give him Substitute for 101 HP substitutes. There should be an explanation of what that is on the message boards if you need it. The last move is pretty much filler. I'd suggest Yawn to force a switch or to get a sub up while they fall asleep. Then after that you can sweep. Make the Nature Modest. That gives you this moveset:


Walrein (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Thick Fat

EVs: 172 HP / 71 Def / 252 SAtk / 15 SDef

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Substitute

- Ice Beam

- Surf

- Yawn


Manectric. 83 < (just caught 2 months ago)




King's rock



Iron Tail.

Rain dance.


Timid is a better Nature. Give Lum or Leftovers. Drop Rain Dance, Thunder, and Iron Tail. Give him Crunch for more type coverage. Substitute is always good. Roar is there to Pseudo-Haze. That brings this set:


Manectric (M) @ Lum Berry

Trait: Static

EVs: 6 Def / 252 Spd / 252 SAtk

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Crunch

- Thunderbolt

- Thunder Wave

- Roar


Metagross 100.

Gender ?

Clear Body.


Focus Band.

Meteor Mash





Metagross is better as a sweeper. Even more specifically, a Choice Bander. Give Him Choice Band instead of Focus band. Neutral natures are to NEVER be used. Make him Adamant. Drop all of his moves except Meteor Mash. EarthQuake and Rock Slide are great. Explosion is a great finisher. Here is the set:


Metagross @ Choice Band

Trait: Clear Body

EVs: 252 Atk / 6 Def / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Meteor Mash

- Earthquake

- Explosion

- Rock Slide

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