Well this decks name is Sleepy KO.

4 Misdreavus (NR) Perish Song KO
4 Gastly (Exp) Confusion or Sleep for 1 Phy.
4 Dark Gengar (ND) Pokemon Power Makes pokemon that are sleeping flip twice
2 Cleffa (NG) Draw and let go uneeded stuff
3 Elekid (NG) Can do some nice things on the bench w/ his pokepower

14 Phy.Energy
4 Recycle (NG) Gives most pokemon free retreat, and gives you free cost of hyper potion

4 Professor Elm (NG) Drawing power
2 Bill's Mainenance (Epd) Drawing Power
4 Pokemon Breeder (LC) Evolve Gastly
2 Boss's Way(LC) Get Dark Gengar
2 Super Energy Retrieval (NG) Trade 2 cards and get 4 energy back from your discard
4 Gold Berry's (NG) Awesome Card!
2 Copycats (EpD) Throw uneeded to get needed
3 Focus Band(NG) Evil Card, no Ko on a coin flip
2 Hyper Potion (Sky) Remove damage counters off pokemon depending on how many energy you discard

The point of this deck is to bring out Misdreavus and have Dark Gengar on your bench. You put the Defending pokemon to sleep, use Dark gengar's pokepower deep sleep, now your opponent must get two heads in order to wake up. That's a really tuff thing to do. Then you attack the opposing pokemon with Parish song, and get a prize. Now Cleffa, and most of the trainers are there just for the drawing power, to bring out the things you need. Elekid's there to take his place on the bench and use his nice pokepower to do 20 damage on a flip. Gastly from EXp. is the best gastly(in my opinion) because the defending pokemon is either asleep, or confused over a coin flip. The deck doesnt seem to strong I know, but it can be very wicked.

Email Addy is: NamelessLoser@Emailaccount.com
