Pokemon 21

4 hoot hoot (any set)
3 noctowl (neo 1)
4 eevee (neo 2)
3 Umbreon (skyridge)
3 hitmonchan (original, or what ever set)
3 electabuzz (original, or whatever set)
1 cleffa (neo 1)

Trainers 20

4 bill
3 prof elm
3 gold berry
3 copy cat
3 desert shaman
2 pokemon trader
2 oracle

energy 19

7 fighting energy
6 electric energy
4 dark energy
2 rainbow energy

I thought this would be kinda fun yknow you use umbreon to make your opponents shuffle in their good cards then you use noctowl to look at the cards they just drew and get rid of their trainers. desert shaman is if you need a boost in cards. it would also help cut down your opponents hand size. hitmonchan and electabuzz were thrown in there for a little bit of power. well no matter what you use, good luck
