Hey guys. It would be cool seeing you guys at GenCon, but sadly I live in Germany But I thought I could give you a deck idea Here is my deck.

Death by Poisen hehehe

Pokemon- 26

4x Weedle (Neo 2 Discovery- with spike stab)
4x Kakuna (Legendary Collection; Poisen=GOOD)
3x Beedrill (Skyridge; power is amazing, and also a solid hitter)
4x Oddish (Expedition; 50 Hp is good and sleep)
4x Gloom (Expedition; The best Gloom as long as you dont use foul odor!!)

My E-Mail- EricPress380@hotmail.com
3x Vileplume (Skyridge; Poisen is nice and not being able to play supporter cards is awesome in modified. 100 Hp is high for Vileplume
2x Tyrogue (Discovery; for pesky Cleffa's)
2x Sycther EX (2 prizes are bad, but 50 damage adn agility make up for it; also is a quick hitter.)


3x Grass Cube 01 (Essential in this deck. Goes good with Glooms, so you dont have to use foul odor ;( )
2x Pokemon Park (I like healing, especialy Weedle after a Spike Stab)
2x Healing forest (Just Plain nice.)
3x Weakness Guard (Helps beat Fire Poke's)
2x Oracle (for getting Vileplumes and Beedrills quicker)
2x Professor Elms Training Method (look at Oracle description.)

Energy- 20

18x Grass Energy
2x Boost Energy (Just in Case)

The whole point of this deck is to inflict damage on the opponents pokemon while also killing them by poisen, sleep, etc. Scyther stalls for Vileplume and beedrill while Tyroguue kills opponents basic pokemon. Weakness guard helps against the fire weakness. Thanks alot! Hope you like

eRiC pReSs