Here are some Top 10 lists for Neo Genesis. You may think that some of the
cards are not very good, but, I guarantee you, if you play any of these
cards, you'll see how powerful they are. Here goes...

1. Sneasel---Neo Genesis

It was a close race between this guy and Cleffa, but the damage you can do
with Beat Up can be devastating. I would never advise using him in Modified,
unless you want to get booted out of a tournament, but in Unlimited he's a

2. Cleffa---Neo Genesis

There isn't much I can say about Cleffa that 1,045,764 people haven't
already said. His Baby rule makes his wimpy 30HP seem more robust, and
Eeeeeeeeeeeeek is better than Proffesor Oak because you don't have problems
with discarding good cards like with Proffessor Oak.

3. Feraligatr ( Downpour )---Neo Genesis

Feraligatr is most popular in Modified, as you probably know. Also, this is
the good Feraligatr, not the bad one with Berserk. In Unlimited, he's
nothing special, but in Modified, he'll end the game for you.

4. Slowking---Neo Genesis

How could I not include a card in the Top 10 that thousands of players want
banned? Not only is Mind Blast a great attack, but its Poke'mon Power is
just broken. To be able to prevent your opponent's trainers from working and
delay them from reaching their good cards by putting that trainer on top
will lead to more than one win.

5. Lanturn---Neo Genesis

Ah yes, Lanturn. I don't know if you guys play him or not, but since he was
always destroying me at the Poke'mon League, I just had to post him here. If
an effective Lightning and Water deck with him in it can be designed, this
card can completely destroy every major archetype as I presently know it.
Floodlight, when used in combo with his Poke'mon Power, is something to be
feared by all players. Stacking all that energy to make it do lots of damage
may be a task, though. Still, this card is sickeningly powerful.

6. Crobat---Reo Revelation

The evolved form of the already far-too powerful Golbat does best in
Modified. To date, it has the best attack in the game that costs three
energy. It does 20 damage times the number of heads from 4 coin flips, which
is already pretty good. But the BEST part of the attack is that if it does
40 or more damage, it will Confuse! That is truly excellent. Confusion is
the nastiest Special Condition in the game by a long shot!

7. Kabutops---Neo Discovery

What can I say? This card has it all: 90HP, a good 20 for one, an attack
that can do 40, 80 or 120 damage on turn 3...Get four, quick!

8. Houndoom---Neo Discovery

This card is really powerful, because if you have 4 Dark Energies attached,
Crunch will do 70 damage, and if you use Flamethrower afterwards, it will do
110 damage. Enough to OHKO a Steelix with no Metals attached.

9. Beedrill---Neo Discovery

The more powerful version of the big bee goes very well with the first one.
A one energy attack that does 30 poison damage each turn instead of 10 is
outstanding, plus for those high HP Poke'mon, Pin missile is great for
holding them off. Why wasn't this card a holofoil? Why? WHY!?!

10. Steelix---Neo Genesis

Five of the top nine cards are from Neo Genesis, and here's the sixth one,
who takes the prize for being the most defensive Poke'mon in the set. With 4
Metal Energy attached, it takes 40 less damage, and has 110HP. Great for
stalling, if nothing else.

Well, there thay are. And anyways, I used to be nicknamed Poke'mon T.V show
fan, but I finally got tired of that name, so now I go by Joseph Frombaugh,
my real name.

---Joseph Frombaugh