I have a good strategy; it is called the Tricaery Dick Out Deck.

This deck’s main strategy is to stall at all costs, and purposely deck you and your opponent out. This strategy may sound crazy now, but because of one card, it won’t sound crazy at all.
This card is Rattata from Team Rocket.

Rattata: 40HP
Pokemon Power: Tricaery: Once during your turn (before you attack) you may switch one of you prize with the top card of your deck. This power can’t be use if Rattata is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.
(*)Quick-attack 10+
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack dose 10 damage plus 10 more damage; if tails, this attack dose 10 damage.
Weakness: Fighting
Resistance: Psychic
Retreat: Free

Here is the deck:

Pokemon: 13
3 Rattata (Team Rocket)
4 Mewtwo (Basic)
3 Cleffa (Neo 1)
3 Chansey (Basic)

Trainer: 24
4 Professor Oak (Basic)
3 Computer Search (Basic)
3 Lass (Basic)
2 Switch (Basic)
4 Gold Berry (Neo 1)
3 Bill’s Teleporter (Neo 1)
3 Energy Removal (Basic)
2 Super Energy Removal (Basic)

Energy: 23
18 Psychic
4 Metal
1 Full Heal

Main Strategy: Use Mewtwo, Cleffa, and Chansey to stall and keep stalling until you or your opponent has no card in the Draw Pile. Professor Oak lets you discard your hand and draw 7 cards from your deck, this should help you to deck out faster. Mewtwo’s Barrier prevents all attack including effect, done to Mewtwo. Mewtwo is the main staller in this deck. Cleffa’s baby power makes your opponent to flip a coin every time he/she is trying to attack it. Chansey with Metal energies can also stall, Metal energy prevents 20 damage done to Chansey, and Chansey has 120HP! With all those stalling and drawing, you’ll deck out pretty fast, and if you have no card in deck to draw for the next turn, play the Team Rocket Rattata and use it’s Pokemon Power. Rattata’s Pokemon Power let’s you switch one of your prize with the top card of your deck, but you don’t have a card in your deck, so basically, you are moving one of your prize to your draw pile without knocking out any of your opponent’s Pokemon. During the stalling, you should use the Energy Removal and Super Energy Removal to slow your opponent down.

Thanks to my friend, Mark, I “discovered” this strategy. Anyway, my name is David.
Any comments? My e-mail address is zhangnan8884@yahoo.com