Hey there!  I'm X-Act, mumbling about some lame card... Well, Neo Destiny Girafarig, despite its hilarious name (the guys/gals [?] who invented certain Pokemon names deserve to be shot -_-), is not lame at all.  It makes a very good support card for psychic decks in New Modified.  Why?  Let's look closer at the card:


Girafarig (Colorless Pokemon) - 60HP


[2] Tail Bite (10+) Flip a coin.  If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 20 more damage.  If tails, this attack does 10 damage.
[PP] Psychic (10+) Does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each Energy card attached to the Defending Pokemon.


Weakness: -    Resistance: -    Retreat Cost: 1


Ok, the first attack is exactly like a Quick Attack.  Pretty useless attack in my opinion.  Now let's see the second attack.  For 2 Psychic energies, you do 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each energy on the Defending Pokemon.  Now, that's not very good, I hear you say.  WRONG.  New Modified is ruled by Pokemon that need 3+ energies to be effective.  Magcargo, Typhlosion, Dark Blastoise, Dewgong, Espeon, ... the list goes on and on.  For ONLY 2 psychic energies, you can do 40+ damage to these Pokemon.  For example, you're against a fully powered Dark Blastoise with 4 damage counters on it and a Rocket's Hideout.  Dark Blastoise has just attacked Espeon for 70 damage.  Things are looking grim.  What do you do?  Instead of knocking out Dark Blastoise with Espeon, bring out Girafarig. since Espeon will be knocked out next turn for sure... and before your opponent knows it, his beloved Dark Blastoise is in the discard pile, while your Espeon is high and dry on your bench.


"Heh, but it's useless against Murkrow, it has got resistance to it." WRONG.  Neo 4 Girafarig is a COLORLESS Pokemon.  Yep, that's right.  COLORLESS.  In fact, this is the major reason why Girafarig 0wnz in psychic decks.  If your opponent brings out Murkrow, use Girafarig.  You do 30 damage to it.  Murkrow won't like that.  Your opponent will seriously start thinking about what to do.  Most probably he or she would retreat the Murkrow.  See?  Ok, it doesn't knock out Murkrow, but at least you've scared him off, and that's already a big deal =)


And finally, look at those bottom stats.  Yep, this thingy is weak to... erm... NOTHING.  No weakness!  Another reason why this card really shines, especially with Espeon.  Being weak to nothing like 0WNZ... :)


Hope this little article was of some use.  And remember... look at all the cards you have, not just the archetypical cards.  This was X-Act's X-tremely... er... X-static card strategy =D


And by the way, my email addy is xactcreations@yahoo.com.


X-Act aka Alexander Farrugia (no, NOT the other way round)

BSc (Hons) graduate in Mathematics and Computer Science