Hey everyone! Here's a combo for two rarely used cards(I wonder why...? :p),
Arcade Game from Neo 1 and Pokedex from BS!!!! Here it is:

If you have both Arcade Game and Pokedex in your hand, you can check if it's
the right time to use Arcade Game! First Pokedex, and lets assume you see(In
order) 2 Psychic, 1 NG Cleffa, 1 BS Alakakam and 1 more Psychic. You can
keep it the way it is and Arcade Game to get to the 2 Psychic energy! And if
there's not two of a card from the five, wait! It's that simple!

For my first ever Tip, so long from Shutout28!
e-mail about this at shutout_28@hotmail.com