I'm not sure if Blaine's Magmar from gym heroes is
used widely, and if its not, it should be. How does an
attack that does 100 a turn for 3 fire, no discarding,
sound to you? Not many decks can stand up to that.
This deck abuses magmar's lava burst attack
[RRR]  Lava Burst  (20x)
        Discard the top 5 cards of your deck.  (If
there are fewer than 5
             cards in your deck, discard all of them.)
 This attack does 20
             damage for each R Energy card you
discarded in this way.

Just make a deck that looks something like this:
4 Blaine's Magmar
56 Fire Energy

Keep mulliganning until you get a Blaine's magmar, and
firebreath the first few turns until you can lavaburst
every turn for 100 (since all your cards will be fire
energies). If your magamar is about to die, just drop
down another one. It's that simple.
