wazup yall, dark hawk here with my article on one of my favorite common
cards, SWINUB!!!! This pokemon would go great in your water decks. Powder
snow is awesome!!! For one water it can do ten damage and automatically put
the defending pokemon to sleep. Weakness to grass which is ok since it is
one of the least types played and resistance to electric!!!!!! most water
have weakness to electric. Bye Bye electabuzz!!!!! 1 as a retreat cost is
great too. this card is tight!!! 40hp isn't bad for a basic pokemon. This
card can serioisly whip electabuzz decks. If your best friend down the
corner likes electric. Put some Swinub in your deck. you'll be glad you did.

all mail goes to me myself and i at darkhawk78@expn.com

dark hawk saying peace out, but i'll be back!!!