
To the person posting this: Please put this in the featured articles section or send it to the person that does that. Also can you tell me what the e-mail aderess is for the person that puts stuff in the featured artices section. Thanks

Its the Dark_rhyhorn again ready to send a follow up article on pojo about vs. In this article you’ll get To see some of the e-mail I got and my responses to them to clear up any confusion. I Guess I should tell you more about vs. Just in case you didn’t read my first article. Its like a Neo gym leaders set it sounds Pretty cool and I like the idea but I don’t like what did to it.
1. No basics. Uh-oh, not good. So we a whole bunch of big basics? No way we can’t handle a set like that. Cool Pokemon that are in the set like Blastoise but they are common. Are they crazy? What about there attacks? Their BORING! And to top it off there’s no pokemon powers. Sigh. At least wizards didn’t make this bad choice.
2. New backs. New backs? That won’t work. How are we going to mix these cards with the old set cards without have back? Read number 3
3. Mixed deck rule. The worst part. It says your deck must have 30 vs. cards, 10 old set trainers, 10 old set pokemon, and 10 old set energys. Their limiting what we can put in our deck! I bought all these cards and now I can’t use them because of this rule? No way.
Look obviously this set is trouble. There’s no way the game will survive this. If this set comes out there Will be no more pojo, no more Pokemasters, no more Pokemon Zeo, no more Pokemon aaah and no more League. If this set comes out all this will die and we lose so much that we took for granite. We can’t let this Happen something must be done. In fact, something can be done. We can e-mail wizards.
E-mail wizards tell them to change the set. Tell them change the attacks. Tell them to make basics tell them To make it the right way. E-mail then at Custserv@wizards.com
If you have questions comments or a question to ask. Then e-mail me at Dark_rhyhorn@mail.com.

I sent article similar before to pojo and here some of the ones I got.
 -----Original Message-----
From: "The Doctor mackerel  " <doctormackerel@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 17:35:02 +0000
To: Dark_rhyhorn@mail.com
Subject: Pokemon VS

 Hey, dude.
 I'm writing to you concerning your comments on Pokemon VS. I think that this
 Set will be a great new idea. I personally play the GB games, and this
Expansion is a lot closer to how the original game plays. Pokemon shouldn’t 
Evolve during battle, and only fully-evolved pokemon are available, because
 If you were fool enough to use a Cleffa in a real contest it would be
 Crushed instantly. Finally, you say that all the attacks are lack-luster,
 But I regard that as a plus point. Wouldn't it be cool if, instead of a few
Archetypes, all pokemon were equally good? If no pokemon has a broken
 Attack, then the game would be more fun, and people could use there
 Favorites, instead of just Sneasel & Slowking.

 Have I turned you to the Dark Side?

 Doctor Mackerel
-----My Response-----
No. I totally disagree with you the set isn't a good idea. I play the GB game too but I never play hay there. At league I don't have problems with archetypes either. Then again, I’m the oldest trainer there. All the rest Except for my friend (AKA. The Dark Hitmonchan who happens to play hay) are little kids. I’ve only Beaten Dark Hitmonchan’s hay 3 times. (Never at league so to him its still zero -_-.) As for the set I like Having all those big evolutions in my deck but as basics? NO! You said the attacks are bland. At least we agree on that but that’s a bad thing even if it did what you said it would do. Unfortunately for those people would just make their decks out of cards from the previous sets so you’d still have to put up with Sneasel and Slowking. It would look like to most of those people that there’s nothing new and they would get bored and Leave. This has already happened once after the fossil set came out and wizards released base set 2. If the Rocket set came out then. So many people wouldn’t have
Save the game

Next message.

 -----Original Message-----
From: eovestre <eovestre@online.no>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 13:43:51 +0200
To: Dark_rhyhorn@mail.com
Subject: I agree!!!

 I just read your thoughts about VS on Pojo.
 This is just exactly what I think too! The whole set is a bad joke!
 Some time ago, I posted this at Wizpog (I'm Golduck):
 Check it out.

-----My Response-----
Thank you for agreeing. I saw your thread and I was pleased but stating the problem isn't enough. You e-Mailed wizard once but that is also not enough. Look at the forums on pojo. In the general discussion Category there was a forum opened called STOP VS! It was written by the Dark Hitmonchan (he happens To live in my neighborhood.) The results were opposite! More than 90% of the posts disagree. Start putting Articles on pojo they will need more coaxing.

Save VS.

Next message

-----Original Message-----
From: "Dark Magmar" <dark_magmar@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 02:20:25 -0400
To: Dark_rhyhorn@mail.com
Subject: My Opinions about VS

      Well here are my opinions about VS.  It isn't that the VS set is a
 Brand new, Neo Gym Leader set.  It's simplified, so younger audiences can
 Get into the game easily.  When the younger audiences learn the game, and
 It’s mechanics; then, they can get into the more experienced sets.  I like
 The idea of the cards not having evolutions, but, rather being the
 Evolution.  You don't actually ever see the Gym Leader with, say, the lowest
 Form of evolution of it's Pokemon.  So, why should there be that form? 
 Again, the attacks are as basic as the come, but, with good reason.  The
 Younger people that wish to play Pokemon can easily play with their friends.
   I agree with anyone who says some of the cards (yes some) aren't playable.
   I see them more as a collectible (like I do all my cards) and believe just
 Because one person doesn't like the way they are, doesn't mean he (or she)
 Should get so angered, and demand that others complain to the American
 Company that doesn't even has any plans for the cards yet.  Thanks for
 Letting me rant!  Oh, by the way, don't see this as an attack on you.  And
 Don’t see VS as a horrible set.  I believe we might just see another Gym set
 Coming from Japan!
-----My Response-----
You've made a point but come on! A set for beginners now? This is our 14th set and that doesn't look good. I don't hear about people that are still joining the game. If anything all I am hearing about is people leaving So don’t I think that will work? Since most people are very advanced anyway they will complain to Wizards and get bored and irritated and leave. As for another gym set I'd say if that happened it would be Another set like vs.

Join my clause

Next message

-----Original Message-----
From: JMan82188@aol.com
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 08:55:30 EDT
To: Dark_rhyhorn@mail.com
Subject: VS

 I totally agree with you about everything (especially the pokemon powers and
 Mixed rule), and I have some VS cards myself, but there is a couple things I
 Disagree on.  Wizards can't totally change cards, and print new ones (basics)
 And all that stuff. AND even if they could, they couldn't because w/ basics
 And stage 1's do you know how huge the set would be? It's just not gonna
 Happen. Hopefully they'll rule the mix rule like ancient mew. If you have
 Colored protectors it doesn't matter. Hopefully.
 That’s all I have to say
 Visit my site at http://pokecloud.zapchu.com!
-----My response
Yes, they do have to changed it and they must make evolutions but they don't have to make the set bigger. They could split it up. And even if they don't do that there is a way to make it work. Pokemon is odd in the Sense that the packs have 11 cards. Magic has 15 card packs because the sets are bigger and no one (that I Know) complains about it. So how about they just do that. Now I am not a magic fan (in fact I hate it) but I Think this would be better because I don't want to have to wait longer for it to come if they do change it that way.

Save the game

Next message

-----Original Message-----
From: Blitz Phoenix <blitzpx@home.com>
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2001 23:28:08 -0400
To: Dark_rhyhorn@mail.com
Subject: All right...

   The VS mixed deck rule is NOT a new standard format.  It never will
 Be.  Yes, the set sucks.  That's because it's meant as an extended
 Version of the first and second series Japanese intropacks, and is
 Designed to get new players into the game. 
   Obviously, the format described is a modified format, which is meant to
 Ease new players out of their baby-crib-esque VS set and into the
 Regular play format.
   First it was the "Oh god, they're halving our deck size" crisis, so I
 Guess this one is next.
-----My Response-----
I've said this once and I guess I have to say it again. A new beginner set just doesn't look good after 14 sets. It just isn’t right. And look I was disappointed with vs. (that’s why I'm here.). I really wanted it but Media Factory really messed it up. I want a really cool gym set. E-mail wizards it’s worth it. I doubt they will Actually succeed making little kids join so, it’s not worth releasing it for this reason anyway.

Save the game

Next Message

-----Original Message-----
From: Blitz Phoenix <blitzpx@home.com>
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2001 23:33:21 -0400
To: Dark_rhyhorn@mail.com
Subject: Oh, also...

 The new backings on the cards are "international backings".  I assume
 This means that we'll get them in North America as well, allowing for a
More standardized look to cross-national events like the TMB.
-----My Response-----
The new backs are screwed. I hope wizards will change that.

Stop vs.

Next Message

-----Original Message-----
From: "A fellow trainer" <gwgtrunks@hotmail.com>
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2001 16:25:10 -0500
To: Dark_rhyhorn@mail.com
Subject: pokemon VS.

 In your report you said that if this set is released it will kill off
 Wizards? I’ve got news for you, wizards owns Magic the Gathering. So I highly
 Doubt that a pokemon set that will more than likely be edited so there is
 Evo. (The Japanese company made no more evo. in the set, not wizards) so I
 Don’t think it will kill off wizards. They have way too much money to be hurt
 By this set.
 -----My Response-----
I'm sorry if you misunderstood me but I meant we'd lose the Pokemon Trading card game. People will stop Playing it. All the good things we take for granite. Pojo, Pokemasters, Zeo, Aaah, Gone. All gone. There’s A lot to lose. No, we won’t lose wizards but the game will die if we don’t do something now. E-mail Wizards. It’s worth it.

Join us

Next Message

-----Original Message-----
From: “Another fellow trainer“ <markcal@alltel.net>
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2001 16:16:18 -0400
To:  <Dark_rhyhorn@mail.com>
Subject: Pokemon vs. opinion

 Dude, you need to look at your VS cards again and look on the left hand
 Side of the card. There you will find the "card reader" part of the
 Card. These cards are made for the GameBoy Advance Card Reader
 Attachment. This attachment is not going to be released to the States
 Until next year along with the new Pokemon GameBoy Advance game.
 Get your head out of your ass and pay attention to what these new cards
 Were made for. They were not made to play regular Pokemon CCG with.
 If you didn't notice this then you should be banned from even saying the
 Word Pokemon!!!!!!
-----My Response-----
I did notice but I didn't care I figured that it didn't matter. It's a coincidence that this is the first set that the Card e-reader is on. If the card e-reader were available earlier then it would have been there. So I didn’t Care. Join my cause, it’s worth it.

Stop vs.
Well that’s all the important e-mail I got from people. I did this to clarify why you should e-mail wizards at Custserv@wizards.com but if you still disagree have questions or comments than E-mail me at Dark_rhyhorn@mail.com. If you e-mail me tell me why you e-mailed me and tell me your opinions. If You’ve already e-mailed wizards and they respond then e-mail me telling me their reply. And when you do E-mail me tell me whether you e-mailed wizards. Thanks

Stop vs.
Ps. I had to delete the real names of the people that signed their names in the e-mails sent to me to protect their identity.  


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