Since the begining of the game, the damage to energy ratio (d/e) has played a big part in deciding what pokemon to put in a deck. In fact, this princapal started the well known "Hay Maker" (or in my part of the country "Sushi Maker"). With the upcoming WCSTS QT's, I decided to let the general public see how basing your decks on d/e is, in my opinion, more effective than basing them on pokemon powers (riptide, power 'plosion).     A very popular card is movie promo mewtwo.. With a spectacular first attack, and a powerful second, the new archtype "sponge" was born. Wait! base kadabra, Dark Golduck and Xatu can all do 50 damage for the same energy cost as mewtwo's psyburn, and psyburn only does 40!!! so if 40 for 3 was good, then 50 for 3 is better, right. What about 60 for 3. Untill recently, I thought no card could do 60 damage for 3 energy, but when I opened a gym challenge booster at the ECSTS, I found the holy grail of d/e pokemon. Brock's Primape! Brock's Primape
Drunken Monkey Style 16
4 Brock's Primape
4 Brock's Mankey (lv. 12)
2 Rockets Hitmonchan
1 cleffa
3 Promo Igglybuff
2 Erika's Bellsprout (one with colorless attack)
Trainers 22
4 Brocks Training Method
4 Focus Band
4 Berry
3 Gold Berry
3 Secret Mission
1Professor Elm
3 Warp Point
2 Pewter City Gym
Energy 20
Promo Igglybuff+focus band is a great stall combo. Use good night song to put the defending pokemon to sleep. Then they have 3 barriers to get through. Barrier 1: sleep, Barrier 2: Baby Rule, Barrier 3: (if damage would K.O. Igglybuff) Focus band. I've been on the reciving end of this combo for a while, now i finally get to use it! Brock's Training Method allows you to search you deck for a basic or evolution with brock in its name. The Bellesprout are for quick Larvitar ko's. Secret Mission is better than Elm in my opinion, because its a bill, a bll's teleporter, am oak and a gambeler all rolled up into one card. Rocket's Hitmonchan is good, because it has the Same d/e ratio as the old hitmonchan's Special punch, but it does 10 more damage. Pewter City is for any fighting resistant pokemon. If I do Megathrash while thats in play, it does 60 instead of 30 to the defending pokemon.  Well thats all for now. Thanks for listning to my mad rant! :-p
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