This is Dragon Master. I have some information on a card that would probably save most of our TCG lives. Have you ever noticed the amount of Lightning and Colorless Pokémon that have become part of the boring environment of today? I can name a few good examples:
-Rocket's Zapdos
-Lt. Surge's Electabuzz(most of you don't see much of him, but those who do, read this)
    Those are the best examples of what wrecks the game in the way of Lightning and Colorless Pokémon that cause chaos in the current environment. You guys know what Pokémon were affected, but there is an example of TecH that has been long forgotten that can provide help to the Pokémon being bullied. This card is Brock's Rhyhorn(Lv. 25 of course).
    Brock's Rhyhorn is Grass-weak, but Grass is less common because of the growing number of Fire Pokémon, so you shouldn't be too worried about that. But let's look at the other stats. It has a high 60 HP, which is good for a Basic. And Horn Toss is the key attack. It spreads damage across the board while providing the annoying Whirlwind effect. Take Down is okay, since it doesn't have too great a drawback, and it serves as the cleanup hit, but let's look at what else he has. He has Lightning Resistance, which makes him good against Electabuzz and Rocket's Zapdos, only two retreat, which is not too great a drawback since he won't be doing a lot of retreating, and he's a Fighting-type, which makes him good against Wigglytuff, Clefable, and their Basic forms. As for the Babies, a Baby could be an issue, but that's why Umbreon and Murkrow help his strategy as Hunters. I know, most of you say that since Brock's Rhyhorn is mostly used for his Horn Toss attack, then just use Gligar, who is a better 20-for-Double Colorless attacker, but Brock's Rhyhorn is a more tactical attacker in this form. Well, here's the deck around him:
A Bully's Worst Nightmare
3 Brock's Rhyhorn Lv. 25
2 Gligar
2 Cleffa(Neo Genesis)
2 Sneasel
1 Magby
3 Eevee(Neo Discovery)
3 Umbreon Lv. 40

3 Secret Mission
3 Computer Search
3 Item Finder
3 Lass
2 No Removal Gym
3 Imposter Oak's Revenge
3 The Rocket's Trap
3 Rocket's Sneak Attack
2 Gust of Wind
3 Gold Berry

4 Double Colorless Energy
4 Darkness Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
4 Fighting Energy
    The goal of this deck is to use Brock's Rhyhorn, Gligar, and the Hunter(Umbreon) to take out the Lightning and Colorless bullies that destroy the game for us these days. Hence, the name of the deck. It's designed for those purposes mostly, but can also fit the rest of the metagame by playing right.
    Brock's Rhyhorn is the main card in the deck. Horn Toss is a decent hitter, which has the annoying Whirlwind effect, and Take Down can be used for a bigger hit later. Gligar helps because Poison Sting makes way for a good early hit and Slash is an early 20-for-1 setup hitter. Sneasel provides a way to get into areas that are Clefable congested by having Brock's Rhyhorn and Gligar as an anti-Clefable strategy. Eevee evolves into Umbreon and Umbreon destroys the little Babies. Magby helps stop annoying Pokémon Powers like Mind Games and Hay Fever. Even though WotC's recent ruling around it has caused it to become weaker, Magby is still strong enough to be able to be good as a TecH card. Cleffa replenishes your hand when you need it.
    Secret Mission works better in a deck with the Trap combo because it gets you a new hand while strengthening the Trap combo. Computer Search and Item Finder are your resource cards. The Trap combo wrecks an opponent's hand, leaving him/her helpless, as does Lass. Gust of Wind and Gold Berry are used for their massive advantages. No Removal Gym stops those annoying ER/SER cards.
    Double Colorless Energy powers Brock's Rhyhorn, Gligar, Umbreon, etc. Fighting Energy is there for the occasional Take Down or Poison Sting. Darkness and Rainbow are there for Sneasel and Umbreon.
    Any questions, comments, etc. e-mail me at
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