I have been wanting to make a grass deck, so I was I was trying to think of a good combo to build around. Meganium (wild growth)was going in for sure, so I thought of combos that dealt with energy.
        Venasaur (energy trans.)! and what's a grass basic that does alot of damage, pinsir! The idea is to get Meganium & Venasaur out (have cleffa promo in there to stall) then load the rest of your bench with (using challenge, good manners ect.)Pinsir ( you should have been loading venasaur W/ energy this whole time) move two energy to each pinsir, give em' all gold berrys and do 50 damage a whack! plus powers and defenders will do good here also. 
          Another combo I like is Rocket's sneak attack and Sabrina's gaze. I like this combo so much because I got sick of hearing my opponent get so hysterically happy every time I used a gaze. It's kinda obvious what the combo is, but for those of you who didn't catch it Rocket sneak attack before Gazing( it's also good to really mess up your opponent in a few ways).
       If you have any comments questions or problems with my thoughts I just said,
don't be afraid to Email me at Zookid113@MSN.Com. Please Email me any ad-ons to my ideas and any high damage grass hitters you can think of. Goobye. 


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