Hello pojo.com and all the pojosomniacs.When gym challenge came out,rocket zapdos and metwo were really popular.Dont get me wrong,they are kick butt cards!But what about Sabrinas Gastly,level 10 and 9.They are really kick butt too!I mean,level 9 gastly had low hp,but good attacks.And level 10 Gastly,wow!I mean,have yall even read its stats.Its power ''Gaseus Form''allows you to to add 10+ hp for every psychic energy attached to it.And its attack does 30 for 2 psychic energy.Imagine,a 140 hp gastly with 1 retreat.Wow.Now that you have read this(if scott posts it,which a would appreciate 'cause this might be a new archtype)youll probably think,hes crazy.But if you still dont believe me,go to the ratings at the pojo magazine.Its is rated a 4 out of 5.Oh by the way,i have made 2 archetypes so far.This one is called I.C.P.(Invisible Cloud Party).
Questions,comments,hatemail,email me at crimsonangel3@aol.com