MY GOD. The poke'mon players these days are so dumb. Look below to see what I mean.


The decks these day are somewhat slow. Haymaker decks deal damage. In my own times with this deck I took out the sycther for mr. mime and all the double colorless energy and pluspower for physic energy. Mime deals nasty damage and it stall against all the crap that's used today.

Why are these no longer played? It's quick ... in truth, if you think for a second, all the stuff used these days will get kicked if something nasty gets out quick that they are weak to. Sneasel is the exception. That may be true but everyone knows that elactabuzz will kill sneasel.

Most decks these days are slow to begin with.  This deck just won't let you win. Slowking decks are incredible but he's not a big powerhouse, making it hard to kill your creatures.


This is what I have to say about individual cards. One, and only one, will kill, demolish, totally wipe out, everything today. MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUKKKKKK!

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