Ah, my third Neo Revelation rare, Houndoom. And I must say, quite interesting. First here's what it says; 70 HP Dark Flame-1 Fire, 20 damage. Discard 1 Fire energy card attached to Houndoom or this attack does nothing.If there are any Dark energy cads in your discard pile attach 1 of them to Houdoom. Black Flame-1 Dark 2 of any type, 30+ Damage Flip a # of coins equal to the number of Dark energy attached to Houdoom.This attack does 30 damage plus 10 more damage for each heads. No weakness, Phychic resistance, one retreat Now at first glance he doesnt seem that great. I mean he's kinda like a dark exeggutor. But really there's much more hidden uses within. Lets look at his first attack. The main use is get dark back.The best part of this attack is that it does 20 base Damage. This Attack can be great in the mid-late game. The second Attack is actually really powerful. Now lets assume that you can 3 Dark on him. His second attack would then average 75 damage for 3 energy! Great economically. And, lets say you get supered, then use dark flame to get back lost Dark. Now here's the downsides- This guys a stage one, there's no other way around it. Granted he does have 2 solid basic forms. The other bad thing is he will usually die before you get a chance to use Dark Flame enough. So if you use him in a deck be sure to include lots of healing! So without futher rambling, here's my idea of a deck to exploit him; 4 Fire Houndors(More HP really helps) 3 N3 Houndooms(see above:) 1 N2 Houndoom(Great late game finisher) 2 Ditto(Kill Sneasal) 4 Cleffa(since you're running evolutions) 4 Dark 3 Double Colorless 7 Fire 4 Comp 4 Item Finder 4 Gold Berry 4 Oak 3 NGR 3 Lass 3 Ecogyms 3 Gust of Winds 4 Plus Power