Hello, everybody at Pojo! This is Sparkey450 again. I don't know if my first
article was posted. It was a reply to "it's a sad day". Anyway...
       Alot of people say we should play original decks, but they can't win.
This is not true. In this article, I'll tell you how to build a deck using
cards nobody ever uses. Ok, we know that Sneasel, Wiggly and those guys are
not easy to beat, right? Well here's how you build a crazy-yet-powerful deck.
First I'll make an example. Let's try Fossil Golbat. I can't remeber the last
time I played against him, but MAN was it a pain. And I was playing HAYMAKER!
so first, we have fossil Zubat and Golbat in the deck. Both have free retreat
costs and can heal damage. Hmm... I like it! Now, let's look at Golbat's
weakness: Psychic. The biggest threat in this category would be MP Mewtwo. So
we'll add, Jungle Meowth and Persian! Persian has a resistance to Psychic,
and pounce reduces tha damage by 10 more, making him invulnerable to MP
Mewtwo. Now, we need a good opening basic. We'll add, Jungle Mr.Mime. His
invisible wall will greatly disrupt most Sneasel/Wiggly decks. You can use
him to stall while Golbat and Persian Power up. Now for trainers, add Bill,
Oak and CPU of course. And add some berry. Berry will help Mime to stall some
more, or can be used in emergencies on Persian and Golbat. Since the deck has
almost no retreat, Gusts and Switches are not neccessary. You can just hit
and run at will, switching your pokemon for whoever is best in the situation.
Add Plus power to help KO opponents in a couple of turns, and Elm for some
additional card drawing, and to keep yourself from decking. Finally, add some
Energies for the pokemon, and you're done! Here is the example deck:

Zubat x 4 (Fossil)
Golbat x 3 (Fossil)
Meowth x 4 (Jungle)
Persian x 3 (Jungle)
Mr. Mime x 4 (Jungle)
Bill x 3
Prof. Oak x 3
CPU x 3
Berry x 3
plus Power x 3
Prof. Elm x 2
Grass x 12
Psychic x 11
DCE x 2

You can do this with other forgotten cards also. Just use a little
imagination! As strange as this deck looks, it has stumped quite a few Hays
and Wigglies! And it doesn't even have 20 trainers! You don't need Sneasel
and 30 trainers to win! All you need is some imagination. Heck, i have a deck
with NO RARES, which has never failed to beat a haymaker. try it people! It's
more fun to win with your favorites. One last thing you should know: When you
play original decks, people are less likely to be able to metagame you
because they won't know what to expect. People expect to play TR Zapdos and
Sneasel, but not Fossil Tentacruel and Dark Jolteon. Have fun with the game!
That's why we started, right?

Questions, comments, and all that stuff can be sent to Sparkey450@aol.com,
but no viruses please!