Here's a good one for all you master deck builders : a deck with more than 2 stage 2 lines. Whoa! Now let's see someone do that! If any of you are up to it, e-mail the decks to me at I want to see how many of you can figure out how.
Now, some of you (you know who you are) have been snippy, snappy, and just plain rude to me because of my views. Be warned; I have and am rallying the persons all over the world who agree with me. We will overthrow this form of totalitarianism known as "archetypes". There are many who believe in creativity and originality rather than cards everybody uses. Don't believe me? Just wait. We're coming to a tourney near you.
To all the persons who are with me, unite! Let me know that we have your support in this uprising against archetypes. E-mail me at
And to you archetype-players: be afraid. Creativeity-Originality shall prevail!
Fly right,
Nite Owl
 No junk mail/viruses to my e-mail.

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