With Tentacle Grip you can draw a vast amount of cards if you are very lucky. This card will work great with Rain Dance decks.
The HP is quite low and his second attack is not too good for a second stage evolution. It has a weakness to Electric types which could be a problem, because of the vast amount Electric pokemon used these days, such as Rocket's Zapdos. No Resistance is not too important and Retreat cost is o.k. 
It's HP just sucks! but his attack could work very well and will make your opponent think twice what type of pokemon to put into play. Doing 20 damage to each of your opponent's pokemon that has the same type is an intresting way of attacking. Best works with Rainbow Energy. No Retreat Cost is nice. Try using Focus bands to get around his poor HP. 
A basic pokemon with 90 HP is just great. His first attack Slam is also a good colorless attack. The only down side is the cion flipping! I just hate it! His second attack does 40 damage which is a good amount and may paraliyze, but requires too much Energy to use. Also it has a very high Retreat Cost just like the other Onixs from the previuose sets. But all in all, this Onix is just the best out of the rest. People will normally be using this card as a Big Basic Pokemon and to get Steelix into play.
This is one of my favourite card from the Southern Islands set. 70 HP is really good. Her first attack requires only one Energy (any energy) that removes 2 damage counters from Lapras, which helps Lapras to stay alife longer and gives time to get her second attack ready, but the down side is your opponent also gets to remove 2 damage counters from his or her active pokemon aswell. Well, atleast it puts the pokemon asleep.
Butterfree and Vileplume
I was a bit stuck between which one of these to choose, so I've made both 1st. Now both Butterfree and Vileplume have their positive and negative sides. Butterfree has 10 extra HP than Vileplume, but Vileplume has her first attack that will deal with this problem also helping your bench pokemon, and the attack is proballey better than Butterfree's first attack. Butterfree's first attack is very effective when it goes the right way, but other whys its too risky to use. Both Butterfree's and Vileplume's second attack are pretty much the same, but I prefer to go with Butterfree. The effects seem a bit better. When it comes to the bottom states Butterfree is the winner. They both have a weakness to Fire Types, but Butterfree has a resistance while Vileplume doesn't, also Butterfree has a lesser Retreat Cost the Vilplume. So, all in all, their both are pretty much the same.
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