Hi all. It's Eevee Pup from the board (but I have to be called The Pupster here cause of no Pokemon names).

After reading the title, you're thinking, "The Pupster, Lugia stinks! Discard 3 Energy for 1 attack? You must be crazy!!!"

Think of this, a high and mighty deck of Lugias Elemintal Blasting every turn! But you're thinking, "He's lost it." right?

Wrong. Here's a sample deck before I tell you the huge combo that lets you do that (in STS Format, of course).

Color Crayons
4 Lugia
3 Lapras (SI)
3 R's Zappy
3 Blane's Magmar
4 Cleffa

4 Rockets Secret Experiment
4 Bill's Teleporter
4 Erika
4 Energy Charge
4 Misty's Wrath

4 Rainbow
6 Water
6 Fire
7 Electric

Here's how it works. Attach 3 Rainbow Energy to a Lugia. You won't have to discard them when you attack, because you discard "...1 Fire, 1 Water, and 1 Electric Energy CARDS attached to Lugia..." but Rainbow Energy count as Rainbow Energy Cards, but COUNT as Electric, Water, and Fire Energy. Cool, huh? The only weakness is (Super) Energy Removal and being KO'd, but you can't play (S)ER's. As for the KO's, Energy Charge are here to bring 'em back.

Poll:Who really caught Tododile?

~The Pupster