Water eh? Cough *GRASS IS BETTER* Cough
Water eh? Gag *WATER STINKS* Gag
Water eh? ::Continues insulting water pokemon until Satoshi and his mob attack::

Nah, Waters Ok. Into the list.

#5 Dewgong
This dude is ok, 3 for 50 and 4 for 30 and 50% parylalisis, 80 Hp is good and 60 on a basic...Not bad (For a water pokemon)

#4 Swinub ::Half of Readers faint:: This dude's pretty good, 1 for 10 and sleep. Also, they may think yo' gonna becmoe Piloswine and freeze you when really, it's just a Swinub!!! *Other half faints::

#3 Swinub I know, he's #4 too, but he's so kewl, he get's to be #3 also. ::Nods head::
#3 Articuno He's also good, and great in Raindance. You know the stats.

#2 Blastoise (Gatr won this bout) Raindance ownz joo foo.

#1 Gatr L69 Infinite damage, I like. 120 HP is sweet. This guys the top.

Jerm rules Ect. ElementRiderJ@aol.com