this was an interesting question, the Top 5 Water, but oh well, here it goes;
# 5-Gyrados, this guy used to rule the waters.He has awesome attacks,good HP,
and can be used in Raindance.It's so sad that Magikarp is so horrible.
#4-Lapras(Fossil), the only Hay-water Pokemon, not the best, but really not
that bad.Confusion can be nasty, plus he has the potenial for 30 damage a
turn.Good HP make this guy in there for the long run.Main weakness is
obviously all the Rocket' s Zapdos flying around.
#3-Wooper(Neo 2), assuming you want reliability, this guy is better than his
other counterpart. I've used Wooper in a Electabuzz/R. Zapdos heavy
environment and he almost works.To be good, lightning has to be played A LOT.
#2-Feraligatr,high damage potenial simply make him a dealy powerhouse, good
HP too.Excellent in Modified.
#1-Blastoise, sorry I had to.I'm all for old school, and this guy is the
definition.I remember my friend pulling a Blastiose from his 1st pack, and
always used to beat me with it's power.Eventually he got 4 and I could never
really beat it. I've recently tried a Raindance, and it didnt do too
bad.E-mail me if you want tips on a Raindance decks or whatever.