All right, listen up. I am tired of the ol' Haymaker that is "SO strong" (Ptooey!), the raindance that "King/Big Bubba" Blastoise rules, and the Downpourers deck being "the best". What's the fun of this game if you only use one type? (BIG MEGA NOTE: I OPPOSE ALL TYPES OF FORMATTING AND MODIFYING THE GAME; HALF THE FUN IS PROVING TO PEOPLE WITH "BROKEN" CARDS THAT THEY CAN BE BEAT EASILY! NO FORMATTING!!!!)
I think we need a revolution. A revolution of people's minds. No formatting, just everybody needs to play with their favorites, not their strongest (see my article "Deck Strategies"). In fact, tons of the best cards in the game have been labeled "weak" and/or are never used...

Muk:He rocks! Who cares if he takes out all your powers? Many of them you don't want (Promo Entei's Bolt, M's Gyardos' Rebellion. He also works well with Wooper (Genesis). As some dude said elsewhere, if a poke has a power, then they have only one attack. Muk takes the power, Wooper takes the attack. It's what's known in Washington (by the way, my uppermost sympathies go out to the victims of Sep. 11) as a "lame duck" session. It's what's known in Pokemon as a "mega-stall".

... and the weakest cards have been glorified...

Igglybuff: What's with this little wanna-be Muk doing in EVERY SINGLE STINKIN' DECK? Some here, some there's all right, but everywhere? It's totalitarianism! One card dictates! IGGLY STINKS! IGGLY STINKS! IGGLY 

...and the once-great cards have been forgotten.

Mr. Mime: Heck, there's just as many Mr. Mime taker-outers as there were before Rocket! Muk may/may not stop it, it depends on Muk's condition. R's Zapdos, wait just a second. I have a defense against it: Wooper (praise be upon it). Slam. R's Zap: Best case, 40 damage. Okay case, 20 damage. Worst case, 0 damage. Keep slamming until your opponent has 3 lightnings on the legendary bird. You know they're about to Electroburn. Slam one last time. Without the help of Dark energies or pluspowers, your opponent can only do 40 to you, and, without defenders or metals, they do either 30 or 40 to themselves. By now, I believe you will have dished out enough for them to be knocked out by that. But you know what's sweet? They knocked their own out at the end of their own turn, so you get to go next and perhaps score another KO. So, plasma's no big deal for Mr. Mime. Mr. Mime also gets around his confusion-phobia. Your supposed to do 20 on a bad confusion flip, right? Well, he's weak to Psy, he is Psy, and he's attacking himself. that means, 40 to him wich is blocked by Invisible Walls. AWESOME!

There are good cards in each set. Use whichever you choose. But try to be creative and singular. Come up with your own strategies, share them, and everybody use each others' different strategies, not just Haymaker, Rain Dance, or Wiggly.

All we are saaaaayinnnnnnngg,
Is give weaks a chaaaaaaance!

Weaklings, underdogs, and unused ones of the world, unite!

Fly Right,
Nite Owl

You can e-mail me (no hate mail, nasty junk, viruses, etc.). Subjects that do not relate to this are alright, and I would love to recieve some e-mail agreeing with my views, but please don't bash me. E-mail is Thanks.

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