This combo is very good and will definitely win you the game if you can get
the combo to work.  It uses Murkrow and Piloswine from the stone cold deck on
the wizards website. When you start the game you try to get Swinub as your
active Pokemon with Oddish and Murkrow on your bench. Attach a water energy
and use powder snow. Next turn evolve to Piloswine and use Freeze and hope
it's a heads.  If it is, they won't be able to attack until they're benched. 
If they don't retreat, then when it's your turn scoop up Piloswine and send
out Murkrow and attach a Dark Energy to him.  Pokemon breed the Oddish into
Dark Vileplume. Mean look the defending Pokemon so they can't attack or
retreat.  Now they're permanently paralyzed! They can't use switch, scoop up,
gust of wind or any of those cards to try and get rid of the paralyzation! 
They can't even try and deck you by using Nightly Garbage Run or something to
put cards back in their deck.  Just keep attacking their bench with Feint
attack until they lose.  I know it takes a lot of cards but if you pull it
off you will win.

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