Hey-lo all you Pokemonb fans!This is FireMaster,Master of all Fire
Pokemon!I'm here to tell all of you readers about combinations for the
Movie Promo Mewtwo.Here are the ones I could think of:

#1:Mewtwo+Professor Oak-Play out your Hand on turn one,except the Psychic
Energy,attach one to MP Mewtwo,Oak,and Energy Absorp!
Hopefully,you'll have 2 or more Psychics in your discard pile.

#2:Mewtwo+Trash Exchange+NGR-OK,let's say you've got no Energies in the
discard pile.Use Trash Exchange,and you'll probably get at least 2
Energies.(If you accidently discarded a really important card like
Electabuzz or Scyther,use NGR to get it back.)

#3-Mewtwo+Super Potion/Super Energy Removal-Duh.

#4-Mewtwo+Base Set Mewtwo-Barrier for a turn or two to get Energy in the
discard pile,then Switch or just Retreat and Energy Absorp!

#5-Mewtwo+Computer Search-Discard 2 Energy for  Mewtwo , and at the same
time get a crucial card from your Deck!

#6-Mewtwo+Sabrina's Alakazam-Don't have enough Energy to Energy Absorp or
Psyburn?Sabrina's Alakazam's Psylink to Psyburn!(If he has only 1 Psychic
Energy,use Energy Absorption.)

#7-Mewtwo+Base Set Gastly-Basically the same concept as Base Set Mewtwo.

#8-Mewtwo+Max Revive-Discard Energies then Revive Electabuzz or
Hitmonchan or some other Big Basic Pokemon(BBP) like that!

#9-Mewtwo+Blaine's Gamble-Discard the Energy,then flip.If heads,you've
got a new Hand!Then use Mewtwo.

#10-Mewtwo+Charizard-Yes, I DID write Charizard.This time,he has a real
use!Attach Psychics to Chriazrd,then Fire Spin!Use Switch or Warp Point
to bring up Mewtwo!

#11-Mewtwo+Base Set Kadabra-See Gastly and Mewtwo.Same reason.

#12-Mewtwo+Scoop Up-Use Scoop on a damaged Mewtwo with Energy,then piut
up a Gligar or Scyther .Put down Mewtwo,attach an Energy card and Retreat
the Active.Energy Absorp!

#13-Mewtwo+Dark Golduck-Use 3rd Eye twice(You can draw 6 cards that
way!)then Switch,Double Gust or Warp Point for Mewtwo.

#14-Mewtwo+Misty's Wrath-Choose the best cards and ditch the Energy.

#15-Mewtwo+Secret Mission-This combo is probably the best because you can
see your opponent's Hand,discard the Psychic Energy and STILL draw
cards!This combo is tremendous!

Well,there is my first Card Tip for Pojo.Please tell me what you
think!I'll answer questions and fix Decks.

FireMaster (Arcanine)

You can send hate mail to me,but I'll probably delete it right after I
read it.No cussing and no viruses.