Welcome to Jsc’s Junker!


Hi, my name is Jsc.  This is the 8th installment of Jsc’s Junker!

Thanks for taking your time to read another Jsc’s Junker article.

Many people have been asking for my real life name. So here it is:

Jerry Carcache!”

Thanks to all the people who wrote to me!


Rating System:

This is my rating system 5 to 0 rating…

This is a 5 out of 5. Perfect card in almost every way! Should be in every deck.

This is a 4 out of 5. Good card and reliable, above average! And will be useful in later sets.

This is a 3 out of 5. Ok card, useable, average card. This card is a normal pokemon trading card.

 This is a 2 out of 5. Not a very good card, but might be good later.

 This is a 1 out of 5. Meaning this card stinks. Put it back in the pack and send it to wizards. Use gloves while doing that please!

 This is a 0 out of 5. Hmm…  *still thinking * how to put this in a nice way! Email me if you have any ideas to put this in a nice gentle way. Keep sending those emails. By my 10th installment of Jsc’s Junker I will have chosen the rating description and then I will give props to the person which sends the best rating description for “0”.


Now lets get to the stuff you came here for, my card of the day. Is………..*rings a wrestling ring bell*









It’s Clefable!



Attack:      [1] Metronome

             Choose 1 of the Defending Pokemon's attacks.  Metronome

             Copies that attack except for its Energy costs and

             Anything else required in order to use that attack, such

             As discarding Energy cards. (No matter what type the

             Defending Pokemon is, Clefable's type is still Colorless.)


Attack:      [2] Minimize

             All damage done by attacks to Clefable during your

             Opponent’s next turn is reduce by 20 (after applying

             Weakness and Resistance).






ü    1st stage pokemon

ü    70 hp

ü    2 energies to retreat       

ü    Can copy any move but it will be colorless

ü    Weakness to Fighting

ü    Resistance to Psychic

ü    Colorless Pokemon



Strategies with Clefable…

The strategies with Clefable are very similar to ditto but the only difference is that clefable can’t fall victim to the Double Knock out trick.  Clefable has the incredible move to copy any attack of your opponent’s active pokemon. With this move only costing 1 energy, Clefable could use his attack of Metronome and then could power up another clefable, or another main pokemon in the deck your playing. Try to use the Neo Clefairy that has 50hp so it will be just a little bit harder to knock it out on a 1st turn or in other situations.


Q: So if Clefable is so good Jsc why aren’t people using Clefable a lot?

This is because of a Stadium card called Sprout Tower. This could be used in a match to have resistance to colorless pokemon. This made some people turn away from using Wigglytuff, Clefable, and Erica’s Dratini. Simple way to counter this is use another stadium card that counters an arch type in your pokemon environment. For example if you are in a sneasel infested area TRY out these stadiums: Rocket’s Training gym, Narrow Gym, or Chaos Gym.


Another good way to use Clefable is to abuse the one energy cost of clefable’s move.  You could do this by playing Super energy removal and clefable could have recycle energy. Use the recycle energy to take away the 2 energies of a powering up sneasel, steelix, wigglytuff, or another powerhouse pokemon.  That way you could get the energy back and at the same time get rid of the energy that your opponent had.  Use Gold Berries to make clefable last longer, put gust of winds in the deck to gust out a sneasel or another pokemon that you could knock out in one turn.


The best reason to use Clefable now is to counter Rockets Zapdos and Sneasels. People aren’t using Hitmonchan any more (that’s good for colorless pokemon). But for some reason people like to use Gligar a common neo pokemon. He is a fighting type that needs 1 fighting energy to poison (if you flip heads). His 2nd attack is for two colorless energies for his slash attack that does 20 damage. It could be used for an anti ditto deck since Gligar has resistance to fighting or in this case an anti- clefable. Almost the same as Hitmonchan and the same threat it could do 40 damage for it’s slash attack or 20 and a chance of poison. So make sure if you are using your clefable as a Main player in your deck, that you add some type of scyther in the deck to have resistance to fighting. (It’s good because gligars are weak to grass types, scyther can also counter other neo water pokemon.)


Good Combos with Clefable

Since Clefable is of course colorless pokemon try to take advantage of that and use Full Heal, Recycle, Potion, and Double Colorless Energy. Gust of winds are needed to knock out pokemon such as Rockets Zapdos and Sneasels in one hit. That way if you have Recycle Energy attached to clefable and in your hand you have a Super Energy Removal and a Gust of wind and your opponent has a powered up sneasel with two dark energies and has 2 lighting energies on Rocket’s Zapdos what should you do? Use the Super Energy Removal on Sneasel using the recycle energy to do it, Gust out the Rocket’s Zapdos and Electro Burn the Zapdos. You could do it the other way around but it’s MORE risky because you must flip at least 3 out of 3 or 50% heads if you have a full bench.  Use Nightly Garbage Runs to get those Clefables back, if you use this NGR then you could use scoop ups and have no trouble finding more clefable and clefairy in your deck.


How to Counter Clefable?

Use any Fighting pokemon, Wigglytuff, sneasel, or even Steelix. If Clefable is using a Gold Berry it will be a little tougher but you could use a scyther or sneasel to swipes/slash for 30 then Beat Up/Slash with plus power can knock out that clefable with out the gold berry having such an effect. Wigglytuff could do this easily with his attack Do the Wave with a plus power total damage 70 knocked out clefable. If you use gligar I suggest you might want to try to poison it because the opponent might have a gold berry waiting and if so then when you Slash it will do 40 damage so it will be like you never attacked it at all. So be careful about that.


Clefable is kicking your butt in a match? What do you do?

A couple of pokemon just shuts down Clefable right in his tracks. They are the following pokemon:

Ø     Ditto- Ditto turns into a Clefable so shuts down the clefable into a useless pokemon if not retreated or gusts you out.

Ø     Any baby pokemon: Cleffa, Magby, Elekid

Ø     Clefable- locks down your opponent’s clefable by just using no moves that do damage! While you are “locking your opponent down” power up a benched pokemon to knock out your opponents clefable.

Ø     Chansey– This card is the worst nightmare for a mimic deck. If Clefable attempts to copy Double edge clefable is Knocked Out. Because clefable takes 80 damage for that move its pokemon suicide.

All these pokemon can “Lock Down” or “Stall” clefable until you have something like an oak or have energies to power up a benched pokemon.


I give this Card a 4 out of 5  ****

This card gets the two thumbs up from me, and from pikachu! Like ditto, clefable has the unique gift to mimic moves of any pokemon. This card will last and last for future sets. It doesn’t have the Double knock out problem like ditto but it’s a stage 1. This gives a chance for those Pokemon players to knock out the weak Clefairy before it evolves into the big bad Clefable. Since fighting pokemon are not being used as much like before, clefable gets + for that. Other then those facts clefable would get a “5” but it has the weakness of a weak basic pokemon.  And that can’t be changed.


   See you guys Until The Next Jsc’s Junker…  




Email me at: Jscjunker@aol.com for any suggestions, or want me to review a certain pokemon card Just email me.

Thanks to Pojo Staff for posting this tip! ^_^

And especially to ClefairyDoll, Also to the fans of Jsc’s Junker thanks for the support!

Thanks for reading another of Jsc’s Junker!