Hello, Pojo-maniacs!
I'm sure that most of you are familiar with the "Trapper" deck
(you might have even gotten the wrong end of it!). If not, you put
in Sneasels or Wigglytuffs, some other Basic (or now, Baby)
Pokémon, 40+ Trainers, such as Oak, Computer Search, The
Rocket's Trap, Rocket's Sneak Attacks, an Impostor Oak's
Revenge or two, and some other stuff, and about 6-10 Energy.
The theme behind Trapper is to "destroy" your opponent's
hand. Well, in thinking back of some of my older, "just-for-fun"
decks, I realized something. Prophecy could completly wreck
your opponents drawing capabilities! Simply set them up in the
"Trap" (reduce their hand to 0), and then Prophecy them until
you can stall them long enough to deck them. Yes, you heard
me, deck them (after all, you won't be doing too much
attacking now will you?). Throw in a Jungle Mankey to keep an
eye on your opponent's top card (you can attack if it isn't
something that they need), and you could put Dark Vileplume
or Slowking in there and keep giving them Trainers. You could
wait until they have a full Bench, and keep giving them Basic
Pokémon! The possibilities are almost endless! And that could
be the start of a Stall-Trapper deck. Well, maybe! Hypno and
Xatu are so far the only Pokémon with Prophecy, but luckily
they have pretty decent HP, and an okay attack. My
"Clairvoyance Annoyance" deck used Hypnos, Xatus,
Slowkings, Mankeys, Rattatas (Team Rocket), The Rocket's
Traps, Rocket Sneak Attacks, Oaks (I know... bad move.),
Computer Searchs, Here Comes Team Rocket (It can work
wonders!), and some other stuff... Even though it didn't win a
lot, even when you're losing, the deck can still be fun to play
(unless you play a whole game with getting only one heads! It
happened, and it was a long game too! ARRRGH!) with,
although not too fun to play against. I haven't played a deck like
this in Tourneys, but I have battled some of my friends with this
kind of theme, and it was fun. Well, I'm still using my "WWF
Smackdown" deck for tourney play, but it's always good to
have a "Just-for-fun" deck in reserve! I hope I've gotten your
brains to work hard on that, well, later Pojo-Maniacs!

Dr. D (ranked 78th globaly) - I love being on the top!