ok i'm getting sick and tired of people saying that pokemon there should be
some baned pokemon cards in the pokemon ccg well i want to tell every one
why wizards just don't ban for those of you that play magic and pokemon like
me you see some really big diffrences one is the fact that magic has 21
expasions to date not to metion the new sets coming out soon any ways
pokemon only has 7 (base 2 don't count) soon there will be a 8th expasion
this april (neo2:discovery) now another major diffrence in pokemon to magic
is magic as over 3,000 cards pokemon  has 1,500 or less not sure how many so
there are not that many cards to choose from in pokemon that's why wizards
will not ban certien cards were there are not all tha many to begin with. ok
now that i got that out of the way what's the number one thing tha magic has
that pokemon does not that's a alterative to baning

TYPE 1 AND TYPE 2 and BOOSTER DRAFTS and SEALED DECK  any one of these would
be a good alterative to banning hey why wait for wizards buy you and your
friend some boosters and a starter or two and have your own sealed deck paly
or make your own type 1 and type 2 all it takes is a little inmagiantion and
creativeness on your and your friends part so i hope people would  please
stop ranting and raveing about BANNING certien cards

any comments or qustions send to lugia_for_prez@yahoo.com

hate mail can go to  know_your_role@andshutyourmouth

thanks for reading