Hey! this is nick84 i want to tell you something that will help you when
you are batteling a sneasel...
 sneasel has a couple of weakness's here they are:
 1)clefable,togetic these help alot because all you need is one energy and you can use with only one energy sneasal's beatup attack and it will take two turns to power up your opponits sneasal so bye then he should already be knocked out.

 2)DiTto,its like this you send him out as your active, transform,attach a
DCE,pluspower's(if you want),and attack you have the atvantige because it
will take your opponet sneasel to two turn's to power up and by then it will
be knocked out!

 Well thats the way to knowck out sneasel.it works for me many times so it
will work for you.
 any hate mail,good mail,(no virus's) sent to
 this has been nick84 signing off.....cya

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