Look I have been seeing articles that don't make sense.

   First of don't blow Wizards for what they put on the cards, now if you
know a place in Japan called Wizards of the Coast then just skip down to the
next the next paragraph.  BAck to the main idea.  Now have been playing
Japanese well since Fossil came out.  Yes we can play Japanese cards at my
league, and there is pretty much the same text as the Japanese cards.  Yes
the part about the trainers in Elm.  If want to blow them for holo's go

    Here's a short one so I will get it over with.  Um I think it's Crystal
guy but you may have already noticed this but your deck with the Fire in it.
Well I think that Pokemon Breeders being a big part of the deck that you
forgot to put them in.

    Here's another one I just thought of if you attach Metal to Moltres
thats going tom take 5 turns to charge him and  there is a bunch of haymaker
pokemon that  kill Moltres by then but I don't want to name them because um,

    (Before you guys at pojo deletes this article,the whole switch thing I
was just joking, it supports my article. I just don't know if this is
illegal or not.)
    This the last one and this was the first one I thought of, Why do people
hate haymakers.  haven't you heard the saying " Life's full of challenges"
well if there are no challenges in life, life is not fun same goes for
Pokemon.  I would love to play haymakers unfortently all the haymakers in my
area  have Fearrows in them. I don't know why.  I just hate haymakers
because I don't to use them because if you aveaged the ages at my league is
about 10.  So if you still hate haymakers after this article contact me but
only if you have Haymakers etc.  Everyone  there has a creative deck, but
the only problem is the ages end at 16 and more than half of them are small
brats, but in 3 or 4 years they might be good.  The best thing is the owner
is really cool, but I'm getting out of the article. Anyway look at hay
makers as a new thing to beat.

Donkey Kong e-mail adress is  danman47_20@yahoo.com
no hatemail or virusus just send what you think to pojo and ill read from
there and I don't care if you blow me off but if your e-mail doesn't make it
to pojo after a few times I don't care if you send me hatemail as long as
there is no virusus attached.

     This is Donkey Kong returning to Mother Nature, I get bananes for
dinner today.