Most Experience players hate coin flips...I do too...the reason I beleive
there are coinflips is so that younger inexperienced players might have a
luck advantage over older experienced ones. I believe thats why... I hate
coinflips too! ARGH! They are so annoying! Some official pokémon coins land
on heads more than a regular coin... my Chansey one landed on head 16/20
times! Once I was stupid enough to let my opponent borrow my chansey coin.
his vileplume took out my buzzs and wigglys and just kept comin. Finally he
was down to one prize i had 5. I got out ditto and used my other chansey coin
to finish his vileplume and come back to win! yea! Also a vileplume coin is
biased to flip tails. my friend has one that flipped tails 6/20 times! ack!
better stick with chansey on this one...

Comments/Questions go to, no hatemail please! IM me at mkjags
if you have AIM and if you have a deck that needs to be repaired email me
with a list of cards in the deck and your strategy ( If you have one ).
Thanks -Jag Spikes