Alot of people have been saying Ceffa is good. But I disagree! I know alot
of you will be disagreeing with me too but these are my reasons on why the
card ain't that great:

1. 30 HP- It's a first turn KO to me! A Hitmonchan, Zapados, A Promo Eevee,
Electabuzz, Rattata can all KO it with the help of Pluspowers on the first
turn! And I bet you would all say, "Well it has a baby Pokémon Power! That
will keep it alive!" To me, it's just like a Haunter's Transpericy. It's
almost exactly the same thing! And rember- the coin flip will decide it all
too! So if you think your Cleffa will stay alive for the game without
evolving it, think again.

2. Eeeeeeek- It's an Elm. That's it! Sure it's usefull against Trappers but
remeber- R. Zapados can knock it out 1st turn! But if you wern't facing a
Trapper, and use Eeeeeeek every turn, your basicly saying," Hurry up so I
could deck my self!" I faced quite alot of Cleffa decks and get this- they
all decked them selfs since they just kept on using Eeeeeeek! I even tried
playing Cleffa in one of my decks before, and a Hitmonchan just took my
Cleffa out using a Pluspower.

3. No Resistance- Sure there are good points abot the card like No Weakness
and Retreat but too bad they took out the Resistance to Psychic. Now, a MP
Mewtwo, Alakazam, Kadabra, Sabrina's Kadabra, etc. could all KO it!

So that's my rant on Cleffa! If you want to agree with me, disagree with me,
or just chat, e-mail me at-
! This is Allan, signing off!
And PS- no Hate Mail, Blackmail, or Viruses PLEASE!