A little while ago I noticed someone who posted a "top 25 cards" report, but the question is have you ever thought about the top 25 worst cards? If you don't know then I have an idea for you! Here is Johnny's worst 25! 25 lugia (neo genesis): Even though popular belief says that this is the rarest card in the set, it's not very good and not very rare. 3 different types of energy is enough for 90 damage, but discarding those energy? This card can easily be whipped by many different pokemon, including alakazam and one time paras! The reason I gave it place #25 instead of #10 was because this card, with lots of energy search and the right types, can form a lugia deck. grade:40/100 24 mary: Hello, this is goldenrod radio saying that an awful card in the pokemon TCG is our very own mary! This card is bad because it is a rip-off on bill, and also you have to shuffle two cards in your deck. Shuffling two back into the deck makes this card impossible to put in haymakers, raindances, and wigglys. grade: 36/100 23 omastar (fossil): One of the 7 fossil cards to visit the worst 25. Omastar has low HP though it has decent attacks. This card could have been pretty good if it were stage 1, though this guy is stage 2. grade: 35/100 22 kabutops (fossil): cough cough... pathetic, cough cough. This card is even worse than omastar, and bad for the same reasons as omastar. Fortunately both cards will get new and improved when neo: discovery is released. grade: 34.9/100 21 most of the "shiny pokemon": Like lugia, these cards take WAY too many different types of energy to use the attacks. Usually the only way that you can attack with these cards is by giving them rainbow energy. On the upside, these dudes are all basic cards. grade: 32/100 20 magikarp (Team Rocket): The reason this (and all magikarp) card is bad is it has a weak attack and low HP, which makes it horribly prone to strong pokemon (like scyther). But on the other hand this card can evolve into the powerful gyarados at turn 3 (If it lives long enough). grade: 30/100 19 brock's zubat (rare): With low HP and weak attacks, this card is pathetic. grade: 27/100 18 cloyster (fossil): About 95 percent of stage 1 pokemon have at least 60 HP (cloyster has only 50), making this pokemon prone to gust of wind. Also it's attacks are pretty risky for the effects. Just 'cause it's an evolution makes it better than thre even weaker shellder. grade: 25/100 17 shellder (fossil): Low HP and weak attacks make it horribly weak. This card doesn't even make a good stall. grade: 24/100 16 dark electrode: The only dark pokemon to make the list (Even though some have only 50HP, some of the stage 1 dark pokemon have amazingly powerful attacks). This card is kind of weak because it's attacks do just as much as base charmander's. grade: 23.6/100 15 snorlax: One of the only 3 pokemon who has a retreat cost of 4. Even though effects cannot be done to snorlax, it takes 4 turns to charge it up. Can you say, "Hitmonchan"? grade: 20/100 14 blaine's kangaskhan: If you have not noticed, the majority of weak pokemon on the list are colorless. This card takes 3 turns to do a decent attack. Like snorlax, this pokemon is horribly weak against the ever popular hitmonchan. grade: 20/100 13 blaine's vulpix: This card ties with #16 and #17. Despite the fact it has a good pokemon power, it takes three turns to use the weak tail fan attack. grade: 20/100 12 brock's rhyhorn: It is weak simply because the chances of doing anything with this attack are 1/4. grade: 18/100 11 omanyte (fossil): It would be a good card if it was a basic, but like kabutops and omastar, it has little HP for it's stature. Also like them, it will have a counterpart in neo: discovery. grade: 17/100 10 kabuto (fossil): Lower HP than omanyte. See omanyte for more info. grade:16.9/100 9 lt. surge: a deformed switch. It sucks simply because you could just play a pokemon, then use switch. grade: 16.5/100 8 TR's meowth: Does not evolve, has low HP, and can easily kill itself with it's attack. grade: 16/100 7 aipom (neo genesis): Does not evolve and has two weak attacks. Just a heartbeat away from the worst of 'em all. grade: 15/100 6 mysterious fossil/clefairy doll: They bite, they bite, they bite. The only good thing about mysterious fossil is it can evolve. grade: 14.2/100 5 magikarp (base): Far worse than the rocket magikarp, and you know how bad that one is. grade:13/100 4 devolution spray: The question you should answer is "Why should I devolve a pokemon, then discard the evolution for good?" grade: 10/100 3 paras (jungle): A weak card with weak attacks and high costs for attacks. It falls easily to most fire pokemon. grade: 8/100 2 porygon (base): Attacks which do no damage and little HP make this pokemon awful. The reason it made #2 is because it can evolve into something far more powerful, porygon 2. grade: 5/100. (drum rolls)... number one... dunsparce!: The neo discovery set has some broken cards and brings back decks which have been around longer than the great haymaker decks, but the set also has the weakest card ever to be released. Dunsparce has only 30HP and a weak attack which has little hope of paralyzing the opponent. I pitty the fool who puts this in their deck. The only reason I did not give this card a 0 is because it is a card, not invisible goop. grade: 1/100. Thank you for looking at my personal beliefs! Johnny ---------