Hey POjo!!! I am sending this in again because you said some may have been lost. Either way, please post this version. I've amended a few things in it. Please edit this larger text out before editing Hey Pojo! This is my first submission, but I think it is worthy for your site. It involves my favorite Gym Hero's pokemon, Sabrina's Alakazam. I feel this card, though recognized as good, is underused. Many have posted various strategies with it, but I believe I've developed the best conglomeration of these. Before I begin, I'll list the statistics Sabrina's Alakazam 80 HP Power: PsylinkSabrina's Alakazam always has a copy of every attack your P Pokemon in play have (including energy costs and anything else required in order to use those attacks, such as discarding Energy cards). This power can't be used if (standard text) PC Mega Burn You can't use this attack next turn CC 3 retreat cost, P weakness This card has so many possible uses, they can't all fit in one deck. This, in my opinion , is the best use. Rough Outline 4 S. Abra 4 Pokemon Breeder 4 S. Alakazam 4 MP Mewtwo 4 FOSSIL Slowpoke 4 SER 4 ER This is the deck's core. The idea is to get a second turn S. Alakazam with a MP Mewtwo with 3 energy (one placed during the first turn, two gained from Energy absorption). Retreat the Mewtwo, bring out S. Alakazam. Place an energy, use Psylink to us Mewtwo's Enery Absorption. You now have a S. Alakazam with three energy, and a Mewtwo with one. Here's where the fun starts. On your next turn, you should have a Slowpoke on your bench. Use a SER, discarding Mewtwo's energy. Use Psylink to use Slowpoke's Scavenge attack (PP: discard 1 P energy attached to Slowpoke in order to use this attack. Put a Trainer card from your discard pile into your hand). Retrieve the SER. Your turn ends. Next Turn, you can A) Use the SER or an ER and Energy absorption OR B) Use SER or ER and Mega burn. The idea is to eliminate all the energy they have. Then, start attacking with Mega Burn and any other attacks you like on your bench. If you notice a threat being built on the bench, start SERing again. Another thing you could do along these lines uses Recycle Energy. You MUST discard a P energy for Scavenge, but use the Recycle Energy when SERing so you don't have to Absorb so often. ALTERNATIVES 1.You may want to add Slowkings to this deck. They are very powerful, and you already have the Slowpokes. Once a lot of your opponent's energy is in the discard pile, you want to evolve all but one slowpoke, keeping the energy in the discard for the most part. 2. Base Set Mewtwo would allow you to use Barrier in case you are in trouble, or want to attempt a stall out. However, including these mean less MP Mewtwos. So far, I've thought up a few problems this deck will run into. 1. Haymakers: Many only need one energy to attack Solutions: 1. KILL!!! You have a 60 attack and can use Mewtwo's 40 atack next turn, or some type of a meditate attack. Don't be shy with them 2. Steel Energy. Absorb some of this on, and they won't be doing squat. Since the deck focuses on SER and ER, the negative effects on damage won't really matter. 3. HEAL!!! You can include Gold Berries, and may include a regular Alakazam line for both Damage Swap and Kadbra's Recover, which you can Psylink with S. Alakazam. 2. Slowking/Murkow: No trainers and a resistance to P Solutions: 1. Resistance Gym. With this and Mega Burn, you have a dead Murkrow and a bunch of Slowkings, which probably won't have energy AND are weak to you (the Slowking, that is) 3. Ecogym/No Removal Gym: Shut down our strategy Solutions: 1. Resistance Gym- remove those pesky gyms. Since mostly Sneasel decks use these, you also give yourself an advantage over them by weakening his resistance. 4. Sneasel: Fearsome little rat with a resistance to P Solutions: SEE ABOVE 5. Magby/Muk: Stops Psylink, and a lot of the strategy Solutions: 1. I really don't know. Kill emm. Muk has a P weakness, and Magby isn't invincible Obviously, you can't do all this in one deck. Adapt this idea to fit the playing environment spacman_spiff@hotmail.com -Send all mail, except hate.