The Events
OK, you start with a Rocket Charmander Active.  You have 4 Voltorbs and a
Blaine's Ponyta on your Bench.  Your opponent has a Scyther Active with an
Onix on the Bench.  Your opponent goes first, attaches a Fighting Energy to
Onix, and passes.  You attach a Fire Energy to Charmander, use a Blaine and
attach 2 Fire Energies to Blaine's Ponyta, use Charmander's Pokemon Power to
get one of those Fire Energies.  Then use his attack with 3 PlusPowers and
kill Scyther.  Your opponent sends out Onix, evolves to Steelix, and passes.  
Now this is where the luck begins.  You evolve all of the Voltorbs to
Electrodes and Buzzap them to Fire Energies and attach them to Charmander.  
Then use Charmander's Pokemon Power to take the other Energy from Blaine's
Ponyta.  You then Breeder to Dark Charizard, attach an Energy to him, and use
whatever means necessary to get 4 PlusPowers.  You then Continuous Fireball
for major damage to the Steelix.  The damage is...
The Math
70(first turn)+*(50x12[600])+40(PlusPowers)x2(Weakness)
*The 12 Fire Energies came from the Buzzaped Electrodes and Attaching the
Energies plus using Charmander's Pokemon Power to gather 2 more from Blaine's
Ponyta after using Blaine on it.

My name is Ed Sullivan and you can E-Mail me at