Butterfree is a cool pokemon he can poison, confuse, paralize, put the
defending pokemon to sleep and heal it self.  Talk about the extra effects. 
Butterfree is a second stage evolution pokemon evolviong from Metapod which
evolve from caterpie.
Here are his stats

Grass type pokemon
80 hp
second stage evolution

Magic Dust
Energy cost:1 grass, and 1 collerless
Base damage: 20
Flip a coin.  If heads, the deffending pokemon is now either asleep,
confused, paralyzed, or poisoned (your choice)

Hyper Reverse
energy cost: 2 Grass energy and 1 collerless energy
Does 10 damage times the number of energy attached to the defending pokemon. 
After doing damage remove a number of damage counters from butterfree equal
to the amount of damage done to the defending pokemon (after applying
weaknesses and resistances.

Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Fighting
Retreat cost: None

This pokemon is nice he can poison, put to sleep, paralyze, or confuse the
defending pokemon on the flip of a coin resultinf in a heads.  You should
through in some breeders to get to hem turn 2.  Also his second stage is not
bad but you might want to do one of these effects to the opponent as fast as
you can.  You should also have the neo discovery beedrill in a deck like this
with breeders to triple poison and pin missle the defending pokemon.  Also if
buterfree is going to die you should use Hyper reverse.  You will want gust
of wind in there to because you might want to kill there powered up pokemon. 
To make it harder on them to get prizes you should through in some scoop ups.
 Also remeber most people do not have ways to get these effects of (other
then evolveing) so use that to your advantige.

I have playd a some games with this deck and you will have to experiment to
make your own way of winning.

Thanx for reading, if you would like to comment about my post (if you do
please tell me what post your are commenting on), if you need help on a deck,
or you don't understand something please e-mail me at Losernumber8@msn.com