Strategy using the Neo 2 Eevee and the Promo Eevee Holofoil.
Some people overlook the Promo card because of its 30 HP(Instant bait
for some Pokemon), but there is one reason why they have it out..... the
Neo 2 Eevee. It's really simple since both Eevee's can evolve on the
first turn. Attach any energy onto the Neo 2 Eevee and flip the coin(It
needs to be the same card type as the energy you place down. It can't be
a psychic energy and get a Flareon)If you get heads get what Pokemon you
want. Then do the Promo Eevee's Pokemon Power! Get the other Pokemojn
and place it down.(No easy kill now. -Evil Laugh-)Put the Non-Holo
Umbreon in instead of the Holo. Saves Darkness energys and also hurts
them if they retreat. Although the Holo verson kills babies(Ouch kick
the baby from the bench thats plain mean. -Smirk-), But costs even more
and while your powering up they already killed your Umbreon. All my
friends use their Espeons and Umbreons. Now all people think this is a
bad combo tell me, otherwise I'm Outta here.

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